Thirty Seven

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-I sat in the bed as Kentrell was still sleep I'm really dumb asf for falling back in love wit this nigga.He started moving in his sleep making me look at him,his phone started ringing making him wake up and and answer it.Once he hung up he pulled me closer to him and laid his head on my chest before going back to sleep.
"When is Jania bringing my kids back home?I said looking at him.

"When I tell ha to.He said making me roll my eyes.

"Well Tell her to now.I said making him look at me.

"Never mind.I said before grabbing my phone and unlocking it.

-I FaceTimed Matti and waited for her to answer.

"Hey mommy!She said as she answered the phone.

"What u doing?I said as she put her face on the camera.

"Listening to this lady yell telling us how we not Are daddy kids and we just laughing at ha but we ready to go home Jania letting her yell at us.She said as I looked at Kentrell.

"I'm on my way make sure yo location on.I said before hanging up.

"U heard what they over there doing to my kids.I said getting off the couch.

-I went to the stairs and went upstairs and into the room.I put on my slides on and grabbed Kentrell car keys.
"SIT YALL ASSES DOWN.I heard Jania mama yell as Jania opened the door.

"U ain't gotta yell at my kids like that.I said walking in making her look at me.

"And Jania u just letting her u kno how I am about my kids.I said mugging her.

"Y'all hurry up we gotta go.I said making them go get they stuff.

"And u don't tell my kids Kentrell not they daddy cause he is and I kno u kno. I said lookin at Jania mama.

"Mama why u say that!Jania said making her mama sit down.

"I call front!Matti said as they all ran outta the room and running to the front door having a race to the car.

"I'll be at the house tmr.Jania said as I walked outta the house.

-I walked up to the car and got in.

"Put yo seat belt on.I said looking at matti as I started the car.

"Daddy said gangsters don't put seat belts on.She said making me laugh.

"U wanna fly out the car?I asked as I pulled off.

"No.She said putting her seat belt on.
"AUNTIE ERICA!The kids said before running up to Erica.

"They gone?I said looking at Erica as she shook her head no.

"They in the backyard.She said as the kids went to they room.

"Oh.I said sitting on the couch next to her.

"We can go tonight.3three said as they walking into the house.

"Hell yeah.Kentrell said as me and Erica was on are phone.

"When u get back?Kentrell said coming to sit next to me.

"Awhile ago.I said still on my phone.
-It was 5 o'clock and me and Erica was just coming back home,we had went to Erica sister birthday party.Erica went to the guest room as u went upstairs but me and Erica stopped and looked at each other as we heard moans,I was fucked up and she was fucked up so we probably was trippin,but I walked back down the stairs that I did go up as we heard a moan again.We walked to Jania rooms as the moans go louder.I opened the door and turned the lights on to see Kentrell and Jania.

"Damn should have knew this was gone happen and Kacey in here what the fuck.said rolling my eyes and walking away.

"EMMA!I heard Kentrell yell as I went upstairs.

-I walked into the room closing the door behind me.I took my shoes off and put my keys and phone on the nightstand.I walked into the bathroom closing the door and locking it behind me.


Should have known

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