Thirty Three

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-I Woke up in the car and looked at Kentrell as he was driving,I looked in the back seat and seen the kids sleep.

"I'm sorry.He said rubbing my back making me look at him.

-This Nigga crazy.

"I got a house in Florida we gone live in.He said as I looked at the welcome to Florida sign.

"Where are we?I heard Tre say making me look back at him as he wiped his eyes.

"Florida.I said smiling at him tryna make a bad situation into a good situation.

"Where's my daddy?He said making me look at Kentrell.

"We here.Kentrell said making me look at the house.

Kentrell said making me look at the house

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"Get them keys.He said making me grab the keys as he got outta the car.

-I got outta the car as Tre opened the door as the other kids woke up.They got outta the car and followed me to the door as Kentrell was getting are stuff outta the car and talking to the security guard.I unlocked the door letting them run in.

"Wow!Tre said as Kentrell and the security guard walking in wit all of are bags.

"Y'all Go find a room.Kentrell said making them run upstairs.

"Follow me.Kentrell said grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs.

"We can share a room.Charity said to matti.

-Kentrell lead me into this big ass room that had a view of the pool/backyard the bathroom and closet was big.Yeah I was most definitely in love wit this room.

"Won't nobody hear what's going on in this room too.He said making me roll my eye as he pulled me closer to him.

"Can me and king play on the PlayStation in the living room.Tre said making Kentrell look at him.

"U Kno how to work a PlayStation?Kentrell said making him shake his head.

"Gone head.He said making Tre turn around.

"LET GO OF MY HAIR DUM BITCH!I heard matti say making me rush outta the room and into the room They was in.

"That's what u say when they grab yo hair in a fight.Matti said fighting the teddy bear.

"What I tell u about cussing?I said looking at her.

"Mommy I was-She said before I interrupted her.

"U can do it without cussing lil girl!I said making her roll her eyes.

"Roll em again!I said before Kentrell grabbed me and lead me back into the room.

"Leave ha alone.He said as I went to sit on the bed.

"Kentrell She is bad.I said as he closed the door and walked over to me.

"I kno.He said as he started kissing my neck.

"But what we gone tell Tre about Reese?I said making him stop and look at me.

"We ain't worried about that right now!He said making me look at him.

"All u worried about is fucking and that's sum I don't have time for!I said mugging him.
-I woke up and got outta the bed and walked up to the door and opened it,and walked out,I started hearing somebody crying making me follow the noise and it lead into the room Tre was in,I walked in and he was lay in the bed crying while facing the wall.

"What's wrong?I asked already knowing what was wrong wit him.

"I miss my daddy and my mommy.He said as I sat on the bed.

"Is he dead just like my mommy?He said looking at me making me try to fight back my tears.

"Sit up and look at me.I said making him do as I said.

"Something happened to yo daddy that I wish would have never happened.I said beginning to cry.

"He's gone just like my mommy.He said making me pull him into a hug as he started crying again.
-I looked at my phone confused as I had a text from a person I thought was dead.I grabbed my phone and tapped on the message and unlocked my phone and looked at it.

U thought a Nigga was dead babe I always wear my bulletproof vest..I seen how scared u was when that nigga was telling u to shoot me.Come back home😤

-I started crying as I dropped my phone.

"BABE!Kentrell said making me wake up.

"Why u crying?He said as I looked at my phone that was on the nightstand.

"So u don't hear me talking to u?He said making me look at him.

"I do.I said looking at him.


Shiii is creepy bro omg🤣👌🏽😭✌🏽

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