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"U really tripping.I said as I texted Jason while Kentrell was driving.

"Who u texting?He said as I deleted me and Jason messages.

"Erica.I said looking at him.

"See u tripping.I said turning my phone off.

"I wasn't trippin when I gave u that black eye last night.He said looking at me making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah u was cause u didn't want me to go out but I was about to leave anyway and then u started trippin.I said mugging him.

-He looked at me and then stopped at the gas station and got on his phone.

"Imma go get sum outta the store.I said getting out and getting on my phone as I walked into the store.

"Hello?I said as Jason answered the phone.

"Yeah Wya?He said as I grabbed a drink.

"At the store but when I'm free I'll send u the addy.I said picking up sum chips and candy.

"Ok imma get Bella ready and just call me when u free.He said making me smile.

"Ok.I said before hanging up.

"5.09.He said as I gave him the money and grabbed my bag.

-I walked outta the store and walked up to the car and got in as Kentrell was on the phone.

"Aight Imma call u back.He said wit a smirk on his face making me pull my phone out and open my chips and made myself comfortable as he looked at me.

"U just done made yo self comfortable in the car.He said making me look at him and then back at my phone.

"U been on yo phone ever since we been going in and outta places looking for stuff for the new club.He said making me shrug.

"Can u take me home.I said looking at him as he started blasting his music and pulling off from the gas station.
"She's cute.I said holding Bella while she smiled at me.

"Yeah she's only 8 months.He said as I looked at her.

"U take care of her by yourself?I said looking at him.

"Yeah after her mom passed away.He said looking away.

"It's gone be ok Jason.I said lookin at him making him look back at me and smirk.

-Someone started knocking on the door making me give Bella to Jason and get off the couch and walk over to the front door and open it.

"Who u in here wit.Kentrell said coming in wit a duffel bag as I scratched my head.

"Um my friend Jason.I said making Kentrell look at me and then back at him.

"Oh u still wit him.Jason said looking at me.

"Um Kentrell Can u please go upstairs.I said still standing by the door.

"Naww I'll be leaving.Jason said putting Bella in ha car seat.

"No jason u don't have to.I said holding my head.

"What u mean let that fuck boy leave.Kentrell said making me mad.

KENTRELL please go upstairs.I said as he looked at me stupid and went upstairs.

"Jason I'm sorry maybe u can come over next time and meet my kids.I said walking over to him.

"U good.He said giving me a hug.

-I hugged him back and walk over to the front door as I followed him.

"See u later.I said watching him walk up to his car before closing the door.

"Do I have to kill a another nigga just to show u that I ain't playing wit u.Kentrell said walking downstairs.

"Bro get yo ass up here and help me count this money.Kentrell said blowing smoke out making me follow him upstairs.

-We walked into my room just to see lots of money on my bed and drugs all on the floor wit guns.


Welp ok😂🥺

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