Discontinued + Extra Scene + Aftermath

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Hey. So I'm going to discontinue this story because I feel like I'm straying farther and farther from the plot. My original plan was to have them at least to have seen the play by now but I think the health problems I gave Alexis made me want to go full angst on this story.

I originally did plan a scene that I wanted to add and since I know what that is I'm just going to write it. This take place after they see the play and they're talking about it at lunch and how they all feel they lived it and who they lived as. Hope you enjoy the planned scene and Aftermath

==Planned Scene==
Alexis POV

I walk up to my friends at lunch. Yesterday we went and saw Hamilton at the Richard Rogers Theater. Best experience of my life. However something feels... off... Almost as if I lived it... Maybe I did.

I started feeling this way yesterday when I got home, so I did a little research. Online I found websites talking about people being reincarnated. When these people are reincarnated they have either the same first or last name, and the name that isn't the same is very similar.

If this is right I would be, or would have been, Alexander Hamilton. Crazy right? This tiny sick fangirl is Alexander Hamilton.

When I got to our usual lunch table I could tell my friends have all been thinking the same way.

"I'm got crazy for feeling like I've lived that before right?" Marie asks. We all shake our heads. We all feel that way.

"I did research on it last night. Its possible we all have the same last names as them," Jen responds.

"Yeah I did too..." I mumble.

"Wait.. then who is... was everyone?" Percy asks.

"Le french baguette," Marie laughs.

"Hercules Mulligan," Harrie responds.

"John Laurens..." Jen says.

"Hamilton," I mumble.

"Angelica," Angelo quietly cheers.

"Eliza," Elijah smiles.

"And Peggy!" Percy adds, "Now that that is all settled out who else do you think was reincarnated?"

I shrug, "Maybe everyone was."

"Well... I've been listening on your conversation," Tessa cuts in, "But I'd like to tell you that I am in fact also a reincarnation. Jefferson if you must know."

She laughs and walks away.

"Look at that. I can't stand her in any life," I say. My friends laugh.

This is going to take a little time to get used too...


Sometimes you want nothing more than a horrible life to end happily. And sometimes you get that happy ending sometimes you don't.

Jen grew up to become a marine biologist and even ended up marrying Alexis against her fathers wishes. Jen dedicated her life (or rather Alexis' life) to helping take care of her. Her and Alexis had two kids together with Jen carrying them in the womb (Alexis couldn't)

Alexis ended up going to college for literature and worked for the local newspaper. Unlike what she thought in hight school her and Jen did end up having two kids named Racheal and James after Alexis' mother and brother. Jen said it was so when Alexis dies she still had a piece of her left. Alexis died around the age 40 with Jen and all her friends and family surrounding her.

Harrie made her own fashion line called "the daughters of liberty" that quickly grew very popular. At some point her and Marie started dating and had a kid named Alonso.

Angelo married a woman names Jamie [John Church] but never ended up having children. He worked at a law firm and helped many people who were wrongfully accused of crimes. In his free time he protested for female and LQBTQIA+ rights.

Elijah never ended up marrying. He ended up owning a bakery that made lots of income. He adopted a kid named Phillip and raised him as a single father.

Percy married a man named Matthew [Maria Reynolds] Percy started as a teacher but after Alexis died, he went back to school to be a doctor for cystic fibrosis patients.

James walked Alexis down the aisle at her wedding since their father wasn't able, or even wanted by anyone, to. He became a doctor and never married. James did anything he could for Alexis and his mother before they both died.

Even after everything they all went through, they made it and were happy until the very end.


So that was the scene I had planned from the beginning. I also know the aftermath was pretty sad but I wanted to put that too. I just kinda made it up on the spot.

I hope you guys enjoyed the story but the way it was going it wasn't gonna work out the way I had planned so I feel it's better to just discontinue then fuck it up more. I'm sorry.

I have another book coming out which is one huge musical summer camp AU. This includes Hamilton, Heathers, In The Heights, Be More Chill, Dear Evan Hansen, and Newsies. That story will be updated every Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday just like this one was. It starts on Tuesday. It will be called Home Away From Home.

Eventually I might end uo rewriting this story but I don't know when or if I will for sure so keep your eyes open if you want that. If I do rewrote it, Alexis won't have health problems.

Also feel free to check out my other stories: Mystics, The Lovely Silence, and Hamwarts. I also have a Hamilton oneshots book and a few others that aren't Hamilton.

Hope to see you there.

Au revoir mes anges. Until next time.

- Heaven

The Opposite Rebirth [Hamilton Reincarnation AU][DISCONTINUED][BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now