Chapter 9

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Alexis and James run out for the room after their mom yells and we follow close behind.

As we run into the living room we see Mrs. Faucette lying on the ground, assumingly unconscious, with blood seeping out of her head. I see Alexis run into another room, probably to call 911.

Five minutes later I realize I was right. Police and paramedics make their way in, arresting James Hamilton and dragging him away. While at the same time people begin treating Mrs. Faucette.

I see Alexis fall to the ground in a for of tears and coughing. This must have been a lot for her body to handle. James makes his way over to her and I follow suit.

"Sorry you guys can't come to the hospital but we can call you when you can if you want," One of the paramedics says. James nods and walks over so he can give the paramedic his number.

The paramedic leaves and James walks back towards Alexis who is still coughing but it has died down a bit. Elijah has Alexis a glass of water which she quickly drinks.

Lexi stops coughing but continues crying. However no one said anything because we all know what's wrong and we're scared if we ask about it, she will feel worse. So we all just help comfort her.

It appears that James is taking this better than Alexis but I have a feeling hes on the verge of breaking down.

A few hours later James got the call saying we could visit. We quickly piled into the car with James at the wheel.

Once we get there we race out towards the hospital to see Mrs. Faucette. Alexis is breathing weirdly and James hands her an inhaler which appeared to sorta help.

"Hello who are you here to see?" The receptionist asks.

"Racheal Faucette," James responds.

The receptionist types something in a computer and says, "Only family can see her right now how are you related?"

"We are her children," James says jestering towards himself and Alexis.

"And the rest of you?"

"Oh they are-" James starts.

"They are our cousins," Alexis cuts him off.

"Okay," the receptionist says, "Room 1767."

We start walking and James whispers, "Why did you lie about them being related?"

"They want to see her too James," Alexis snaps. James shrugs but agrees.

Mrs. Faucette, please be okay.

The Opposite Rebirth [Hamilton Reincarnation AU][DISCONTINUED][BEING REWRITTEN]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz