Chapter 14

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Third Person

A man with short brown hair and a suit walked into the front office at the hospital.

"Hello can I help you?" The receptionist asks.

"I'm here to help pay for someone's treatment," the man responds with a monotone.

"And who is that?"

"Alexis Hamilton," The man says.

"What's your relation to Miss. Hamilton?"

"I'm the father of a friend of hers."

"Okay and how much would you like to help pay?"

"Whatever bills they have for the rest of the year," The man says as he pulls out his wallet.

"Oh? The family will be very happy with what you have done for them. May I get a name?"

The man writes his name on a piece of paper, "Don't tell them it was me."

The receptionist nods and smiles as the man leaves the hospital.


After they brought Alexis into another room for the surgery we made our way to the waiting room.

"It should only take a couple hours," Mrs. Faucette whispers. I nod, although I feel like I'm about to break down into tears. Of course no one else looks much different.

Time to play the waiting game.


A couple hours pass and a doctor comes up to us to say that shes okay and should wake up soon. Mrs. Faucette whispers something to James who then leaves the hospital.

"Where is he going?" I ask.

"When Alexis wakes up shes going to be hungry. Hes getting the food she normally wants after she goes through surgery," Mrs. Faucette responds. I nod.

We all follow the doctor to the room where Alexis is sleeping and sit down quietly. Mrs. Faucette texts James, probably telling him the room number since it changed from earlier.

A few minutes later as James walks into the room Alexis wakes up. James hands Alexis her food once he notices shes awake.

"Heeyy," Mrs. Faucette whispers.

"Hi momma," Alexis responds, just as quietly. Her voice was hoarse from being unconscious. I can tell shes still tired.

"Why did you wake up if your still tired?" Percy laughs.

"Because I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday," Alexis says quietly as she takes another bite of her food.

After Alexis finished eating a doctor comes in to check on her J-Tube. As her slightly lifts her shirt Marie turns away and I notice that it's looking a lot better that it was pre-surgery.

Her skin is no longer swollen and the blood is gone. The J-Tube is also in the correct position and not lopsided.

"She should be able to go home later tomorrow. She can go back to school the day after," The doctor says.

"Okay," Mrs. Faucette responds, "How much do we owe?"

"Let me check," the doctor says as he exits the room. A few minutes later he returns, "The surgery has already been paid for ma'am."

"What? But I didn't-" Mrs. Faucette starts.

"Someone came in earlier to pay it," The doctor cuts her off. I see Mrs. Faucette smile to herself and slightly nod. During this conversation I turn to look at Alexis who is asleep again since she finished her food.

I wonder who helped pay for them?

The Opposite Rebirth [Hamilton Reincarnation AU][DISCONTINUED][BEING REWRITTEN]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu