Chapter 12

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As I work on my homework up in my room I get a call. As I pick up my phone to see who it is I read Lexis name. As I answer, hoping there isn't anything wrong I hear a light thumping noise and someone yelling, "She got ahold of someone! We got to leave now!" A flurry of doors being slammed.

I quickly text the group chat and tell my parents I'm meeting my friends somewhere. My friends say that they will meet me there. I didn't tell them what's wrong all I said is that something is wrong and I don't know what it is.

I get to Alexis house before my friends. The door is slightly ajar and there was no other cars meaning whoever was here is gone. As I walk through the door I see James unconscious by the door with his nose bleeding.

I pick him up and prop him up by the couch and I see Mrs. Faucette knocked out on the floor in front of the couch. I prop her up against the couch too and go to find Lexi.

I run into Alexis' room where I find here lying on the floor, also seemingly asleep. That must be the thump I heard on the phone.

I pick her up and drag her oxygen tank behind me.

As I carry Lex into the living room I see the rest of my friends have arrived. 

"What happened?!" Angelo yells.

"I don't know! I got a call from Lexi and all I hear is a thump and people yelling that they need to leave. When I got here they were all unconscious!" I panic.

"I'll call an ambulance," Harrie says as she steps into the hallway.

A few minutes late Paramedics, Police and CSIs arrive.

"Where were they laying when you found them?" The CSI asks.

"The son was by the door. The mother in front of the couches, and the daughter was in her room," I respond about to break into tears.

"What are your relationships with the family?" A police officer questions.

"We are friends of the daughter," Marie says.

"Do you know where the father is?" The CSI inquires.

"Jail. He came a couple days ago and got arrested for abuse," Elijah whispers just loud enough for them to hear.

The police nods and tells us to go to the hospital with them before the ambulances leave. We nod and a few of us get in the ambulances with them and the rest follow in their car.

You three better be okay.

The Opposite Rebirth [Hamilton Reincarnation AU][DISCONTINUED][BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now