Chapter 15

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Alexis POV

The next day around 7 in the morning I was released and told to stay home for the day. I did. I watched TV in the living room since no one else was home to steal the remote. Until James got home then he took it. I was to tired to put up a fight for it so I went to sleep in my room.

Today I get to go back to school. I'm not to behind because Jen cane to my house and helped me catch up.

I had English first but instead of getting my class changed they move Adams classroom closer to the rest of my classes. Of course the weird explosion in the science class over by his old room could have played a part in that.

As I walk into english Adams sneers, "Do you have a pass for all the school you missed Hamilton?"

"Yes it's called I was getting surgery and you need to lay off!" I snap. My friends laugh behind me as we take our seats in the back.

As soon as the class was over I left to go to history. The entire class Mr. Adams kept saying "Do you understand Alexis?" "Do you need help Alexis?" Jokes on him, I'm ahead then the other students in that horrid classroom.

Luckily Mrs. Washington isn't like that. She asked if I was okay and left me alone unless I raised my hand. Most of the other teachers did the same. Actually Adams is the only one that was a nuisance about me not being here the past couple days.

Almost as soon as school was over I was out the door. Today sucked. Of course it usually does after being gone for a couple days but I still want to leave quickly.

I walk out of the school and we turn our separate ways at the gate. I walked towards the car with James in the driver seat.

"How was school?" He asks as I got in the car.

"Horrible. I want to go home."

"What happened?"

"None of your business!" I snap. James is shocked by my outburst and starts the car. We go home in silence. As soon as we get home I go to me room.

My friends try texting me, I don't respond. Mom calls me into the kitchen for dinner, I don't leave my room. Not voluntarily anyway. After about 5 minutes of my mom calling me, James bursts into my room and carries me to the kitchen.

"Hey honey. What's wrong?" My mom asks as I'm forced into my seat.

"Nothing," I mumble.


"It doesn't matter!" I yell as I run back to my room.

I don't even know what's wrong. Today wasnt that bad!

The Opposite Rebirth [Hamilton Reincarnation AU][DISCONTINUED][BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now