Chapter 18

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Last chapter before I discontinue. Sorry for how it ends =(

Alexis POV

When I woke up we were in the car again. I thought we were in the hospital? Oh well. Maybe they noticed theres nothing wrong with me and let me go to school.

My mom turns to look at me when she sees that I'm awake, "Hi honey, how are you feeling?"

"Tired. What happened?" I ask.

"The doctor said it probably is the medication but we have to keep you on this one since the other ones would make you drowsy," My mom responds calmly, "He also said to keep you home from school today."

"What?! But theres nothing wrong!" I snap. Why am I so upset. At some point there was a time when I would do anything to get out of school.

"Honey the medicine the doctor gave you earlier can make you tired at any given point. You can't go to school like that."

"That wouldn't have happened if you just believed me when I said there was nothing wrong," I mutter. They didn't hear me. The rest of the drive home is in silence. As soon as I get home I lock myself I'm my room.

A couple of times sleep did over take me for short 15 minutes time frames but most of the time is was writing, reading, drawing or scrolling through social media on my phone. Whatever I was doing, it happened in my room. I didn't come out once. Not even to go to the bathroom or to get something to eat.

A Couple Days Later

I haven't taken my pain medication yet. It hurts like hell but I don't want to be upset all the time. So I painfully trudge into the living room.

"Heeyy baby," My mom says nervously. Probably wondering if I'm going to yell at her.

"I didn't take the medication momma. I'm not gonna yell," I respond.

"Honey. I don't want you to be in pain," My mom whispers.

"And I don't want to be upset all the time," I mumble just loud enough for them to hear.

"Lexi. That's the only medication they have that won't make you drowsy," James says from the couch.

"So? I can't pay much attention in class when I'm upset anyway. Won't make a huge difference," I claim.

"Are you saying you want to take medication even if it makes you drowsy?" My mom asks skeptically.

I nod, "Beats being upset for no reason."

James looks skeptical, "I can get the medication later today but you have to take the one you're taking now today. We aren't going to have you in pain."

"Then I don't want to go to school."

My mom nods and helps me to the bathroom. After I take my pain medication I lock myself into my room again. I can't make anyone else feel as bad as I do.

A couple hours later I come out of my room for dinner. My mom is working one of her jobs tonight so it's just me and James. However when I walk into the kitchen, James looks just as upset as me.

"What's your deal?" I snap.

"We can't even have dinner as a family every night like everyone else," James says bitterly.

"Yeah? Mom has to work. Shes doing that so she can keep us alive!" I yell. Why is he doing this?

"No shes doing it so you can live Alexis! I can take care of myself! But just like mom I work multiple jobs to help keep you alive!" James raises his voice but I can't tell if its intentional or not.

"Oh so it's my fault?! It's my fault that I was born with a life threatening illness! You think I enjoy this James? You think I enjoy thinking that everyday might be my last!?" I scream. Now I have a reason to be upset, but the pain medication probably isn't helping the situation.

"Mom and I shouldn't have to work multiple jobs and drive you around everywhere! Normal kids your age drive themselves and work their own jobs!" James snaps.

"Well I'm not normal James! I'm weird okay! I'm sick! I'm dying and I will never be able to have kids or have a family because I'm going to die before I get the chance!" I cry, I run back into my room and lock the door behind me. What has gotten into him?


Like I said, next update for this story is a discontinueation chapter. All will be explained there.

I'm sorry but I can't continue this story. I'm wasn't having as much fun writing it as I usally do with my stories and I completely messed this ome up.

- Heaven

The Opposite Rebirth [Hamilton Reincarnation AU][DISCONTINUED][BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now