Chapter 8

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I'm glad my friends came to visit even if I'm doing a poor job of showing it. While I feel fine, I'm really tired still.

They continue talking about something but I'm not really paying attention. Before I know it I'm asleep on Jens shoulder again.

A little while later shes nudging me awake. "Hey you okay?" Jen whispers.

I nod, "Yeah. I'm just tired."

"I'm sorry. We can leave of you want," Angelo says.

"No it's okay, you can stay," I respond, "You didn't do anything wrong."

They and continue their conversation. Now including me ever once and a while. A couple hours later my mom comes home for lunch and with her she carries bags from Wendy's.

We get up and walk to the table as my mom hands out food. James walks out from his room at the smell of food.

As we eat a certain visitor barged through the door. When we all turn to see who it is my mom immediately starts yelling at him.

"What do you want and why are you here!?" Mom yells. James tries to get me to go to my room with him and all my friends but I can't. Why is he back?

"I can't pay you anymore! It's to much!" He yells.

"It wouldn't be to much if you didn't gamble it all away," James mutters, drawing the unwanted visitors attention towards us.

"What did you just say to me boy?!" He yells.

"N-nothing s-sir," stampers James. The man looks away from us for now.

James drags me by the arm to me room and tells my friends to do the same. They follow, confused about what's happening.

James sets me on my bed and gets up to close the door. As he does I break down in tears as I shake in fear. Jen starts comforting me.

"Who is that?" Harrie asks me. I just shake my head not wanting to answer. James takes the hint and answers for me.

"Hes our father," James says, "Left when Alexis was ten, didn't come back until now. Hes complaining that he can't help pay child support."

I can see the anger infesting in my friends. Of course they already knew about what my father did but no one expected this to happen.

Last I saw him was in Nevis when I was ten, and to be honest, I wanted to keep it that way.

But now that's never going to happen. We all sit in silence for a little while until we hear my mom scream in pain. Then me and James run out. We won't let his do this again.


Sorry for the late update!! I'm sick and was alseep most of the day. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll see yall Tuesday! Au revoir mes anges!

- Heaven

The Opposite Rebirth [Hamilton Reincarnation AU][DISCONTINUED][BEING REWRITTEN]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora