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warning: sexual themes and miscommunication! please be reminded that andy's character is very belittling towards herself :c

andy's dress in the external link!


"Does it hurt?"

MJ blinks at Andy. "Does what hurt?"

She bites her lip. "You know. The thing. You and Sab always do."

"Me and Sab..." MJ trails off, staring at her. "I'm sorry, what is it that we always do? Get wasted?"

Andy doesn't know how to say this. She buries her face in her hands and mumbles, "Making love. Does it hurt? The first time?"

"Making what?" the redhead shrieks, pushing Andy onto the bed. The younger falls on her pillows with a loud flop, groaning from the sudden attack, but MJ crawls on top of her and shakes her shoulders frantically. "You—you're a kid! Are you—" she stops, gasping. "Are you and Rhysand—?"

"I'm not a kid, I'm twenty," Andy argues weakly, laughing at her incredulous face. "And I don't know," she answers her question, swallowing hard. "I think so? It's our anniversary in a few days. And we've done...stuff."

MJ blinks at her. "Stuff."

Andy really, really doesn't want to get into details. "Just tell me if it hurts, please," Andy whines, pushing her roommate off her and sitting up.

MJ sits on her heels, still shocked. "Uh," she stammers, bringing a hand to her forehead. "It stings at first. But you get used to it and the pain goes away and you start to feel good. But the partner has to be slow, really slow, and very considerate," MJ tells her, placing a hand on her knee. "They have to be extra careful and gentle, and they have to put you first, and they have to take care of you—"

Andy raises her palm. "Okay, I got it. Rhys is—he's...he's all of that and more," she mumbles, hugging her legs to her chest. "He's going to take care of me."

Her roommate searches her eyes. "Bub," she starts softly, pursing her lips, "do you want to do this with him? There's no rush, you know? I don't think he's going anywhere."

Andy's been thinking about it a lot. She's nervous, and like all things, he's her first, but Andy trusts him. She trusts him with her life, and she trusts him to take care of her. "I want to," Andy answers quietly, heat rising to her cheeks.

MJ nods. "As long as you're sure. As long as he stops when you say so, and as long as he takes care of you."

He already does, Andy wants to say. With or without the physical intimacy. She nods and smiles.

Sabina and MJ go with her to the mall to look for a dress for their anniversary date. Andy's palms are sweating as she and her roommates go in and out of shops—a lot of them are too revealing or too tight, and they look more MJ and Sabina's styles than her own. She's sad and about to give up, but her friends insist that they're going to find something.

Eventually, they do. Andy's jaw goes slack at the outfit Sabina pulls out—it's a bodycon, midi dress in dark green, with spaghetti straps and a small leg slit on the front. MJ shoves it to her. "Try it on, try it on!"

It looks—Andy thinks it looks good. It fits her shape perfectly, accentuates what little curves she has and her short legs, and it's not too much for Andy. SShe likes it.

Sabina whistles when she comes out of the dressing room. MJ is grinning like a wolf and looks her up and down.

"Perfect," the eldest mutters, twirling her finger around.

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