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happy friday, loves 

outfits are in the pinterest board, external link! (some spoilers, too?)


Language and Literacy Development starts at eight in the morning every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Instructional Technology for Young Children starts at six and ends at nine in the evening every Wednesday.

Programs for Early Childhood Education starts at nine in the morning—every Saturday.

Andy thinks this is her worst semester so far, and it's only just begun.

After her first week, Andy already has two papers to work on, a multitude of chapters to read, and a group presentation to prepare for. Professor Singh in her evening class gives her the chills, and according to past students, his class needs the above and beyond effort to earn the A. Andy's never been scared of her professors before, but Singh's sharp face and terrifying aura tells Andy that she needs to work extra hard for his class.

Andy drags her feet across the living room, rolling her shoulders and groaning. Jenner's watching television on the sofa and doesn't glance up, only raises his hand in a wave.

When she enters his studio, Rhysand is asleep on his cluttered desk of papers filled with scribbled words and lyrics.

He's been working on his first project as a producer at Sterling. After adjusting to his new environment and colleagues, assisting in various projects and attending to different artists and meetings, he's finally assigned to work on an album to be released by a small solo singer the company's been training.

Rhysand wants to do his best. But Andy's worried.

She squats down on the floor and stares at the lines of his beautiful face, her lips turning up into a smile. Gently, she reaches out to trace his cheekbone with her finger. "Hi."

Rhysand doesn't open his eyes. "Hi," he rasps, stretching his arm out to take her hand into his. He interlaces their fingers together. "You didn't call me."

Andy doesn't want to bother him while he's working—or sleeping. "And you broke your promise. You said you weren't going to work today."

Rhysand doesn't move. "Are you mad?"

Andy sighs. "Get into bed and rest properly."

"You are."

"I'm worried. Rhys, this isn't healthy."


In one swift move, he leans back into his chair and pulls her to his lap. Andy suppresses the squeal escaping her mouth, and her arms fly to his neck.

Rhysand buries his head on her shoulder. He circles his arms around her waist, snuggling into her neck and inhaling her scent. "I'll get some rest right here."

Andy sighs again and pushes his shoulder. "Bed, now."

A soft laugh. It tickles her skin. "I don't want to."


"Let me sleep."

Andy doesn't argue anymore. There's no use. She threads her fingers through the soft strands of his hair and carefully massages his scalp. "You're so stubborn."

Rhysand hums.

She presses her lips on the top of his head and waits until Rhysand's breathing slows, and he's dulled into sleep.

Andy takes a deep breath and shuts her eyes, tightening her arms around his warm body.

And she wonders—when did this being close to Rhysand make her feel so vulnerable? Make her feel as though her chest is ripped open, like she's not wearing any clothes?

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