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Andy waits for Rhysand's text, and it comes, a few days later, when she's finishing up her shift at Baked!. What time are you off? - R

No introductions, no greeting. Still, Andy smiles and types her reply. In ten. :)

I'll be in front of your dorm in twenty.

Okay! See you :D

Rhysand doesn't respond.

For the rest of Andy's shift, she drums her fingertips on the counter and taps her shoe against the floor, a giddy feeling rising across her chest. When the clock's hands point to the end of her shift, she dashes towards the break room, takes off her apron, and grabs her bag.

It's a ten-minute walk to her dorm building, but Andy makes it in seven. Standing outside, with the chilly air brushing her skin, she pulls out her phone and hurriedly checks her reflection in the mirror.

Her hands try to fix her mess of a hair, and there's pink tainting her cheeks, but otherwise, she looks fine. As fine as she can be, anyway.

Rhysand comes not a minute late in his Jeep. He shuts off the engine and jumps down with ease, Andy's familiar maroon sweater folded across his arm. He walks towards her.

And Andy catches her breath. She smiles widely. "Hi."

"Here," he says lowly, outstretching his hand.

Andy takes the sweater, the cotton material hugs her fingers as she takes a sniff, noting it smells different. "Did it smell super bad? I can't remember when I left it, I'm sorry."

"Had it washed," is Rhysand's curt reply. "And it didn't."

"Oh, thank you!" Andy says brightly, grinning. "That's kind of you."

Rhysand nods and puts his hands inside his pockets.

Andy shifts her weight from one foot to another and bites her lip. "Um, have you eaten?"

Rhysand raises an eyebrow.

"As a thank you," Andy says in a rush, pulse jumping, "would you want to grab burgers with me? My treat. I haven't eaten since this morning."

He doesn't even consider it—just turns around and starts walking.

Andy follows him. Her cheekbones are starting to hurt.

She falls into step beside him with much effort—his legs are long, and his strides are large. Andy turns to him. "Where's Jenner?"

"Working," Rhysand answers.

Andy hums, but doesn't say anything else. Rhysand seems content with this as they walk along.

And Andy isn't sure, but she thinks Rhysand is slowing his steps.

Andy smiles at this. When they reach the small burger joint down the block, he opens the door, and he steps aside to let her through. His eyes don't meet hers.

"Thank you," she mumbles, blushing. She ducks her head and enters the little diner. There are only a few people, a couple of college students like her, who raise their gazes at them as they walk in.

Rhysand follows closely behind her as she chooses a table near the window. The paint on the wall is nearly chipped off, and the chairs are mismatched, but the smell of food and grease is heavenly. Andy's stomach rumbles.

Rhysand's dark eyes snap to hers. Heat creeps up her neck as she covers her face with the menu. "Sorry," she squeaks. "I'm really hungry."

"I noticed."

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