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Jenner takes one look at Rhysand and says, "It went badly, didn't it?"

Rhysand runs a hand through his face. "I need a beer."

His roommate laughs loudly. He throws his head back and claps multiple times, howling. "Oh my God, what did you do?"

Rhysand grabs a bottle from the fridge and slams the door.

He's frustrated—and mad at himself, and pissed off.

How could Sanford not know he asked her out on a date? He picked her up, bought her food, paid for their dinner, brought her to the shelter because she liked it, and took her home afterwards. Christ, he put on some gel on his hair.

He never puts on gel.

And then there's the kiss. Rhysand thought—he assumed she'd be okay with it. He gave her time to pull away, but then again, he didn't ask. He should have asked.

"She's clueless," Rhysand mutters, leaning against the doorframe. Jenner's still wearing that shit-eating grin, and Rhysand kind of wants to leave and sulk alone, but he needs to talk about this—to understand. "I knew she was clueless about dating, but come on."

"Again, Rhys, Luke was an asshole."

"I know that," he growls, taking a swig of the drink. "She didn't know we were on a date."

Jenner, to his credit, lasts three seconds before he's doubling over in laughter.

Rhysand curls his free hand into a fist. "Alright, dickhead, stop that. Tell me what to do."

His roommate takes a few more moments to calm down before sitting upright, wiping a tear from his eye. "Okay. How exactly did you even ask her out?"

"I told her to make herself free today. And that I'd pick her up after work at her dorm."

Jenner raises his eyebrows. "Okay, and?"

Rhysand blinks at him. "And nothing. She said okay."

"Bro." Jenner sighs. "She probably thought you were going out to eat. Just to eat. Like the way you two have been since a couple of months ago."

Rhysand takes another swig of his beer. "I don't ask when we do that. And I certainly don't pick her up from her dorm."

"Andy's not the kind of girl who's going to think of it as a date when you put it like that—horribly, might I add," Jenner says patiently, placing his hands inside the pockets of his hoodie. "She probably thought something came up with you—that's why you can't meet her after work. That's it. And, to be fair, you weren't clear about it. You didn't say 'date'."

"We had dinner, then we went to the shelter together because she likes animals," Rhys defends himself, the frustration clawing at his chest. "And she was happy."

Jenner tilts his head to the side and scratches his chin. "Okay, look at it this way. Maybe no one's ever asked her out before. Or took her out on a date."

Rhysand scoffs. "Impossible."

"How is that impossible?"

"She's nineteen, a freshman in college, and she's gorgeous. There's no way she's never been on a date before Luke."

Jenner grins. "Alright, so what happened after the shelter? That's a great idea, by the way. Why not just go to the movies?"

"I'd have to watch the movie if we did that."

"Okay, this might come off as a surprise to you, but—that's the point of going to the movies, Rhys. To watch it."

Rhysand rolls his eyes. "Smartass. I meant that in the movies, I can't look at her without being creepy about it. Or talk to her. And I wanted to do something that she liked."

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