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The visits become frequent as a month flies by. They become so frequent that Andy leaves her stuff around and doesn't bother knocking or ringing the doorbell anymore. She used to find it hard to do, because it isn't her home, but Jenner assured her that she's always welcome to crash or to work or to sleep or to eat or to just annoy Rhysand—they've left space in their shoe cabinet for her shoes, and the blanket hanging over the arm of the couch is now hers.

She's made a study desk out of Rhysand's studio coffee table in front of the couch, and he grumbles about Andy's books and notes all over his studio but doesn't do anything about it.

One morning, Andy's late to class, and realizes she left her binder at Rhysand's place. Frantic as she rushes to the auditorium, she shoots him a text. BINDER IS AR U RPLACE PLS COME AND BRING TO ME I WIL PAY I IN ENDLESS COFEE & CHORES

She pockets her phone, hopes that Rhysand will understand, and enters the room. Her cheeks flame at the stern look her professor gives her, and she bites her lip and takes a seat at the last row.

Five minutes later, her phone buzzes with a text, telling her that Rhysand's outside—by the exit that's nearest to her building.

Heaving a sigh of relief, she carefully slips out of the room again and runs to meet him.

His car isn't even parked, and he looks annoyed as he passes her the notebook flooded with papers and stray notes.

"I am so sorry," Andy mumbles as she hugs her binder to her chest, looking up at his smoldering gaze. "I didn't mean to wake you up."

Because she's certain she did. Rhysand doesn't get up before ten o'clock.

He glares at her. "Stop leaving your shit around."

"Noted," Andy says, smiling, and knows she's forgiven. "Thank you so much!"

And before she could think on it, she's on her tiptoes and crashing onto his body, arms wrapping around his neck in a quick and tight hug. She feels his breath catch, but only for a second, because she's already pulling away. "Thank you! I'll see you later!"

Then she's off, and doesn't let herself think about it. They don't talk about it either, when Rhysand comes to pick her up from work.

One Friday afternoon, Jenner's busy playing video games downstairs when she enters the house and takes off her shoes.

"It's my favorite girl!" the boy yells, not taking his eyes off the television. "Come bearing coffee again?"

She grins and heads over to him to ruffle his hair. "I owe the caveman upstairs tons of it. I woke him up last week."

"Ah, good luck with that," he says, pausing the game to glance at her. His eyes twinkle mischievously. "He's in a mood today, so don't poke the bear."

"He's always in a mood," Andy says lightly, turning around to climb the stairs. "Dinner in an hour?"

"Deal," he calls, then resumes his game.

It's funny, Andy thinks, how easy this home has become her home as well.

She takes a deep breath before slowly opening the door to Rhysand's studio.

Said bear is leaning back against the sofa with his eyes closed, but there's a crease between his eyebrows that lets Andy know he isn't asleep.

Andy steps inside and sets the coffee on his desk. "Rough day?"

He doesn't answer, and for a moment, Andy considers leaving him alone and joining Jenner downstairs for a game.

The Whys of UsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang