Please | Dylan O'brien

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Type: none
Word count: 1032
Warnings: None

Your POV:
It was a quite Sunday noon, I was laying in bed watching TV. My boyfriend Dylan O'brien was downstairs, also watching TV.

Suddenly, there was a ad on the TV where they said that dogs/puppy's need a lovely home, and that brang me on an idea. So I got up and ran downstairs, skipping the last step of the stairs.

"Dyl?" I asked carefully, he knew I want something. "what is it?" Dylan chuckled at me, turning his head to face me.

I sat down on the edge of the couch, smiling widely into his face. "can i ask you something?" I asked him again, still smiling.

"yeah sure, go ahead" Dylan answered me, giving me his full attention.

"can we get a dog?" I spit out, squeezing my eyes shut, waiting for his respond.

"what? Why?" Dylan sat up straight, furrowing his eyebrows.

"whenever you're gone to film movies, I'm lonely. And when we'd have a dog, I'm not so lonely anymore" I smiled proudly at my explanation.

Dylan let a heavy breath out and took out his phone, searching something up.

"Dyl? What are you doing?" I asked him curiously.

"I'm searching for an animal shelter, dumbass" he chuckled at me, winking.

I lightly punched his arm, and rested my head on his shoulder. We searched for about an hour, until we found a cute dog.

"that's it, I want him" I said, pointing at the screen excited.

Dylan flashed me a smile, wrapping his arms around my waist. He pulled me into his chest and held me tight.

"I'll call them" Dylan kissed my head and stood up. He went into the next room, and called the animal shelter.

I switched the TV on, and after a minute, Dylan was already done.

"what did they said?" I asked him curiously.

"we can visit him tomorrow" he answered me, smiling widely.

"oh my God, yess" I jumped in happiness, tightly hugging him.

"are you happy?" Dylan asked me, smiling down at me.

"yeah" I answered him, resting my head against his chest. I heard his heart beat, it relaxed me.

"I love you so damn much" Dylan whispered at me, gently kissing my forehead.

-time skip to the next day-

The next day I jumped out of bed, rushing into the bathroom and getting ready. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and put on some clothes.

As is stepped out of the bathroom, I saw Dylan still lay in bed. I rolled my eyes at him, such a goofball.

"Dyl, get up" I said, pulling the cover off of him what made him groan.

"stop, let me sleep" he said tired, pulling the cover back over himself.

"did you forgot what was today?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest.

"mhhh, what?" he mumbled into the pillow, what made me slightly mad.

"were going to visit our hopefully future pet" I said trying to convince him.

"ah shit, you're right" Dylan pulled the cover off of his face, "come lay down with me for a minute".

I chuckled slightly, grabbing my phone, "get up, we've to go" I said. I literally had to drag Dylan out to bed and into the car.

Sitting in the passenger seat, I was smiling widely at the though of the cute dog we might adopt. Dylan saw that, and smiled at me back.

As we arrived, Dylan said that he called yesterday and the lady lead us to a room.

"wait a minute, I'll be back with him" she smiled warmly, closing the door behind her.

I was somehow very nervous, and Dylan noticed that. He intertwined out fingers and looked at me.

"don't be nervous, darling. I'm sure he'll love you" Dylan softly placed a kiss onto my lips, what made me feel like I was in heaven.

Shortly after, the woman came back with a puppy following her. She let him off of the leash and he looked at us confused.

I slipped down from the chair, and onto the ground. I was sitting still, since I wanted him to do the first step. Curiously, he came near me and licked my hand.

I pet him, and couldn't help but let a small 'aw' out. Dylan also slipped down onto the ground and carefully stroke him.

After a while, Dylan spoke up. "y/n?" he asked me from the side. I turned my head so I was facing him.

"yeah?" I smiled warmly at him. "do you want to keep him?" he asked me, smiling softly. I looked down to the puppy, which was looking at me too.

"yes" I said while smiling at Dylan. He stood up and talked to the woman. The puppy on my lap cuddled himself into my chest and was almost sleeping.

"we can pick him up tomorrow" Dylan said, offering me his hand to help me up. I took it, and let the puppy down.

"thank you" I said to the woman, who was leading the dog back.

-next day-

The next day I woke up and saw Dylan not laying beside me. Confused I stood up, threw some clothes on and went downstairs. Sleepily I sat down in the kitchen, almost falling back asleep. Suddenly I heard a bark from outside and jumped from my chair. I immediately walked outside and saw Dylan sitting on the grass and playing with the puppy. In awe I slowly walked closer, and sat down in front of him.

„good Morning" Dylan said, while kissing my lips softly.

„Why did you already picked him up?" I asked him, stroking the head of the puppy.

„I wanted him to be here when you wake up" Dylan said and flashed me a smile.

„Aww" I mouthed at him and the puppy jumped onto my legs.

Dylan stood up and sat himself back down behind me, so I could rest my head on his chest. The puppy cuddled himself into my arms.

And there we sat. Everybody totally cuddled up and just chilled. I couldn't ask for more. The best boyfriend on the world & a cute puppy on my lap.

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