His Secret | Loki Laufeyson

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Type: Fluff
Word count: 461
Warnings: None

Your POV:
Your were currently sitting on your bed, in your room in Asgard. You were reading a book when someone knocked on your door. "yes, come in" you answered. It was Loki. Loki and you've been friends for awhile now, you grew pretty close. "hey Lady Y/N" Loki said, when he stepped into your room. "oh hey Loki, how are you?" you asked without looking up from your book. "uhm, I don't know" Loki answered. That was when you raised your head up, seeing a totally scared Loki. "what's wrong?" you asked, standing up. "I've lied to you" Loki tried, not meeting your eyes. "what? About what?" you were confused.

"about me, my life and who I am" Loki said, still facing the floor. "tell me" You answered him. "I don't know if you want that, I'm nothing like a normal person" Loki said sad. "just tell me, please. I can handle it!" You tried, getting him to tell you. Suddenly, his skin tone changed into a blue, his eyes began to become red and marks formed onto his face. Your eyes widened, as you saw what happened.

"I'm adopted. I'm not an Asgardian, and I'm not Thor's brother. I'm an frost giant, a monster" Loki explained to you. "you're not an monster!" you said in a louder tone. "oh I am! I'm a freaking frost giant! I could kill you!" Loki finally screamed into your face. "fine, then think about yourself like that! But I won't, I belive you're not an monster, you're to kind for that. You might be the God of Mischief, but let's not forget that your a sweet cinnamon roll inside your heart!" you screamed back at his face, him still blue.

"whoa, that hit different" Loki took a step back. "anyways, can I touch your marks?" You ask, completely ignoring what you just said. "what? I tell you that I'm an monster, and the thing you do, is ask if you can touch my marks?" Loki seemed confused. "can I?" you raised an eyebrow. "yes, yes you can" Loki rolled his eyes. You stepped closer to him, slowly raising your hand to touch the marks on his face.

Your fingers run across his marks, on his forehead, on his cheeks and on his chin. "you're cold" you said quietly, almost whispering. "I know" Loki simply whispered back. "you're not a monster, you're an angel" You whispered into his ear. You pulled him into a hug, his arms tightened around your waist. His skin tone slowly changes back to his normal tone.

You pulled away from the hug and cupped his cheeks into your hands. "I love you, Loki. Never forget that" You said, giving him a small kiss.

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