No Escape | Loki Laufeyson

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Type: at the end its fluff
Word count: 1323
Warnings: Nothing

You were walking through the big hallways of Asgards Palast, Odin wanted to see you

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You were walking through the big hallways of Asgards Palast, Odin wanted to see you. Not knowing what was coming for you, you stepped into the big throne hall. You stopped in front of the throne, where Odin was sitting.

"Your majesty? You've wanted to see me?" You asked a bit scared. "yes. My guards have discovered that you start to get in touch with your magic, is that right?" Odin asked you, looking down at you from his throne. "uhhm... Y-yes" You stuttered, scared to hell. "you can't have your magic here, Y/N. It's dangerous, you're dangerous for Asgard" Odin seriously said. "what? I can learn to control it!" You answered lightly shocked.

"no, Y/N. You're to dangerous for Asgard, I can't keep you here. And if I do, I might risk whole Asgard" Odin said, you couldn't belive it. "I'm sure I can! I promise you" you breathed heavily. "stop! Don't talk back to me. Now out of my sight" Odin commanded.

You stormed out of the hall, anger filling your eyes. You enter your room, slamming the door behind you. You ran up and down in your room, the anger getting more and more. You couldn't take it anymore, you grabbed a coat and ran through Asgard. It was cold outside, so you wrapped your coat tighter.

You stopped upon a mountain, from there you had a perfect view over Asgard. The cold air burned your lungs, making you shake. You were so angry of what Odin said to you.

You let a loud scream out, your eyes were still filled with anger. Suddenly, your hands started to glow in a poison green. You looked at your hands confused, what is this? You closed your eyes, as you opened them, they turned black. They began glowing in green.

Your eyes locked with the Palast of Asgard, where Odin was sitting upon his throne, maybe already planing on how to get you out of Asgard. "trust my rage" you whispered slowly before disappearing into the cold woods of the mountain.

Months went by, and nobody saw you in Asgard, not even your best friend Loki. Loki was worried about you, he asked Odin several times, but all he said was "it was the best for all of us". Loki looked for you everywhere, trying to find you, but nothing, not even any sing of your presence.

But what they didn't knew, you were already on your way back to Asgard. With you a whole army of soldiers from Asgards enemies. You were the leader of your army, ready to fight Asgard, and take the throne. Loki always told you, nobody gets into Asgard without going through the entrance. But little did they know, that you changed.

With one command, the guards fell to the ground and the gate opened. You walked through it and into Asgard. Odin was already standing in front of his Palast with his army. You stopped a few meters away from him.

"I knew this day would come" Odin yelled at you. "trust my rage I said, here I am" you smiled devilish. "you'll only hurt your loved ones if you do this" Odin tried to convince you to not do it. "I don't have 'loved ones', now shut your mouth, the throne will be mine!" you yelled making your army ran into Odin's.

The war has begun, no escape, only one winner possible. You made your way through Odin's army, to finally kill the man who wanted to ban you from Asgard for being you. When you got through his army, Odin was gone, probably he's hiding.

You ran through the big entrance hall of the Palast, in hope to find Odin somewhere here. "where the fuck are you?" you yelled several times. Still no answered from him.

Then finally, you found him in a room that was locked up, but you got through it because of your magic. He was standing at the end of room, slightly scared.

"found you!" you yelled standing in the doorframe. "what do you want?" Odin yelled at you. "Rage!" You answered him. "for what?" Odin asked confused. "for you, wanting to ban me from Asgard. Asgard is my fucking home!" You explained to him yelling. "but look at you, you're dangerous for Asgard, look what you've done!" Odin pointed out of the window.

A look out of the window made you see what happened, but instead of making you regret it, you just smiled. "that's not my fault. You're to scared to fight against me, and let your army fight me" You told him, smiling.

Your hands began to glow and your eyes went all green. "time to finish this!" You yelled, making him fly in the air, trying to choke him. "Y/N- d-don't do this" Odin begged you. "ah ah, forget it" you said, and closing your hand more and more, what almost killed him.

"STOP!" A familiar voice yelled. Confused by what happened, you turned around letting Odin fall to the ground. "what are you doing?" the person asked. Your eyes went from his feet up to his hair, it was Loki. "what happ- omg, your eyes!" Loki said while trying to make eye contact. "who are you?" You asked in anger. "d-don't you remember me? I'm Loki" Loki tried coming near you. "one step more, and he's dead" You said pointing to Odin.

"Okay okay" Loki put his hand in the air. "then kill him" Loki told you. "what?" You heared Thor shouting behind him. "shhh" Loki made him shut up. "do it. Will you feel better then? Can you life with that? Y/N, I know you. You're lovely, kind and beautiful. You've helped me through my dark times, stood by my side. It was you who made me feel like I was special, and I still feel this, don't you?" Loki told you, raising an eyebrow.

"No! That's not me anymore! I'm not kind, I'm bad, I'm a monster!" you yelled, not noticing that a single tear fell down you cheek. "but I feel it" Loki's voice echoed around the room. Your mind raced, thinking about what Loki has just said. Through the thinking, you didn't payed attention and Loki came up behind you, knocking you out with his magic. He catched you into his arms, bringing you out of the room.

When you woke up, you saw Loki's face first. He held you tight in his arms, softly stroking your hair. "hello sweetheart" Loki said softly, smiling. "what happened" I asked confused and sat up. "you kinda, tried to kill Odin" Loki said carefully, while you looked around. You were in a cell, you couldn't belive it. "I'm in a freaking cell?!" you chocked out.

"Hey chill, it's just for your own safety" Loki calmed you down, while you sat back onto the bed you were in. Loki wrapped his arms around you waist from the back, he buried his face into your shoulder.

"I want you to know, that I love you darling. No matter what your going through, I'll always be by your side" he whispered into your skin. "I love you too" was all you could answer. "what did Odin say about all that" you asked him worried. Loki placed kisses all over your neck, until he raised his head up to answer you.

"I explained to him that you were angry, and since I saw your glowing green eyes I think that was why you wanted to kill him. It's fine, really. We'll work this out together" a little smile formed on his lips and he kissed your cheek. He moved so he was in front of you.

"I say it again, I love you" he said, this time looking into your eyes. "I love you too" you whispered back, softly kissing his lips.

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