Safe Me | Kylo Ren

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The day arrived, the Resistance gave me the mission to end Kylo Ren. I accutaly knew him, for years, until he went over to the dark side. I missed him, but I could never accept him being on their side.

A group of troopers located him, so a ship took me to the planet and sat me off. It was a planet, kinda like a big forest. I lightened my lightsaber because it was getting darker. I walked slowly, until I heared footsteps in the snow. I turned around, only to see a red lightsaber, and a figure.

"Kylo" I breathed out. "yes, that's me" he replied to me. "what are you doing here?" He then asked me. "I'm on a mission" I replied quietly. "oh well, what's your mission" he asked. I didn't hesitate, I just attacked him.

Our lightsaber hit against each other's, the snow crunching under our feet. I scratched his shoulder, what made him fall down. But I was to slow to accutaly end him. He got up and the fight went on.

Trees fell down and they nearly killed me. I started to run, to get more time to gain some strengt. Kylo followed me, I tripped over a stick and fell. I imminently turned over, seeing Kylo standing above me, raising his lightsaber.

I rolled to the side, saving me. I stood up and blocked the attacks he was throwing at me. We came to a cliff, I had an idea. I tried getting his back to face the cliff, what turned out to not be so easy, but I got it.

I made him trip and half of his body leaned over the cliff. I leaned down, resting an leg onto his thorso.

"it's over" I said, right into his face. "you haven't answered my question" Kylo replied. You sighed, "you are my mission!". I still looked right into his eyes. "then finish it" Kylo whispered.

Everything I had to do was chop his head off and leave it in the past. Thoughts ran through my head , what made me hesitate.

I pushed him backwards, so he'd fall down the cliff, and he did. I stood up and took a few steps away from the cliff, realising what I just did. Tears formed into my eyes, and rolled down my face.

I sank to the ground, sobbing. Until I hear the sound of a hand crashing into the ground, it was Kylo. I stood up and ran to the edge of the cliff, to see Kylo hanging on one of his hand, looking up to me.

I reached my hand out, but stopped before I reached his. "please" Kylo whispered, and I saw tears on his cheeks. It broke me, seeing a friend I know for years, hanging on the edge of his life.

I looked deep into his eyes, forcing him to let me into his head. I saw pain surrounding him, being manipulated for his whole life. After I saw what was in his head, I understood him.

I finally managed to reach his hand and pull him up. He was laying on the ground, heavily breathing. I just sat there in silence.

"do you like what you saw?" Kylo asked me. "Ky, I'm sorry. I thought the Resistance understood me, but all they did, was making me think you're a monster. You released me from this, thank you" I said, avoiding eye contact.

I felt the material of his gloves under my chin, lifting it up. He raised his other hand to my head, using his force to see into my head. "they truly did" he whispered. He stopped and looked me into the eyes. Suddenly he stood up, so I did.

It seemed like he'd walk away, but he stopped and turned around to look at me. "take my hand, we're moving on" Kylo said, while reaching his hand out to me. I looked at his gloved hand, and back into his eye's.

I thought about the Resistance, of the people I called "friends", who were only using me, because they knew I'm powerful.

I slowly moved forward, reaching for his hand. When I reached it, I let him know what I'm thinking.

"forget about them, they hurted you. I won't, trust me" Kylo said. I closed my eyes, and took his hand. The strength of the force I have ran through my vains, and I felt Kylo having the same feeling.

We opened our eyes in the same time. "did you felt that?" Kylo asked me. "yes" I answered him. "come with me, and we'll bring order into the galaxy". I nodded and went with him.

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