I feel like my nonexistent heart is beating fast as we fly back towards the house. I know exactly where I'm going and how to calm the monster. At least I hope so.

Corey bursts through the door first and falls to his knees in the hallway, dropping his head down to the floor while panting. We don't even need to breathe but Corey acts the most human out of all of us anyway. He just sits there as the rest of us rush in.

"What happened?" Aaron asks, running into the room and dropping down with Corey. He rests his hands on his shoulders to help to calm him down.

"They had vervaine." Mike replies as he looks at me for the millionth time. I glare at him and look to Corey instead. He looks like he's almost writhing down there.

"Get Devyn." He whispers. "Now!" His voice bellows through the house. Jake disappears immediately and, a second later, is back with Devyn. They don't say anything but she drops down onto the floor next to him and holds out her arm. He bites her wrist, making me look quickly away.

I crave Lydia right now, and I'm not sure which side of me is going to be lusting. The monster could come out at any moment and bite her but the human side needs her to make me feel like I didn't just almost die again or murder a dozen people in a vampiric rage. My chest still aches from the tiny bit of wood that got in there. All in all, I'm not okay.

After a couple of seconds, Corey pulls away gasping for the air around him. His eyes are black but they quickly turn back to normal. He grabs onto Devyn and disappears up the stairs. I'm about to leave too when Sam catches my arm.

"Is that a good idea, Colby?" He asks nervously as he watches me. I pull my arm from him, glare, and disappear. When I approach my bedroom door, I inhale as much as possible to test whether this is going to be an issue. The monster stays put so I move faster into my room.

It smells like her strongly, probably because she's sleeping and having some sort of steamy dream by the smell of it. But still, my monster is put. In fact, when I close the door, it growls lowly; relieved. I throw off my shirt to check in the mirror for any splinters on my chest. It doesn't feel like it, though, because I'm not really in pain anymore. The vervaine is still swirling around, messing with my head, but thats about it.

"Colby?" The sweetest, tiniest voice speaks up. I spin quickly around to see Lydia frowning as she blinks repeatedly in an attempt to wake up. I walk to the bed to take a seat, her eyes scanning over me. She stares at my chest for a couple of moments it feels like until she grins and rolls onto her side facing away. "Nice."

I almost laugh at her comment, speedily change my pants, then climb into bed with her. Her scent, even though it's already around me, suddenly completely captures me. All I care about is her. I even shuffle closer and drag her body completely against mine just so I can push my face into her neck for more. I just need more.

Any panic that I felt downstairs or in the last hour has gone and I know it's only because of her. I'm grateful that she slept here because otherwise we'd be repairing some holes in the walls within long. Or worse.

It only dawns on me that this is the first time we've slept in a bed together when she pulls the covers more over us and snuggles into them a little. Her muscles are relaxed so I can rest knowing she's okay. Speaking of snuggling, though, I nuzzle into her neck from behind. The monster takes a good, long whiff, and is happy about it. It doesn't attack or try to take over.

This girl even has the monster wrapped around her finger.


Lydia Drake
My phone buzzes somewhere on the sheets. My eyes flick open and I grab it, answering without taking in my surroundings or even thinking. I panic for a second, wondering if this is someone who I really shouldn't talk to half asleep . . . when I'm proved right.

"Lydia? Are you coming into work today?" My boss asks cheerfully, as always. My heart drops as I look down at the arm around my waist and start panicking again.

"Um . . . yes? I might need to come in a little late." I tell her nervously. I lift the arm that's around me and shuffle across the bed away enough that when I twist, I can see Colby sleeping there. He looks like an angel honestly. He's so peaceful and carefree. I can't disturb him.

"As long as you're here for the lunchtime rush, it's okay." She tells me.

"Thank you." I quickly hang up and take some deep breaths. It's going to take a lot to manage to escape this room without waking Colby up. Maybe—hopefully—he's a heavy sleeper. He didn't wake up to the phone ringing. That's a good sign.

I finally gather the courage to just get it over with as I carefully crawl to the bottom of the bed and step onto the couch. I drop down onto the floor then lazily brush my fingers through my hair as I text Tara. I wait . . . and wait . . . and wait.

After about a minute, the door slowly opens and there stands my best friend. The first thing she does is look between Colby and I and grin widely at me. I just roll my eyes, holding out my hand. She gives me some of her clothes.

"If you're going to be here a lot, you might want to keep some clothes here." She whispers as quietly as she can without moving from the doorway. I notice that the hall is particularly dark as if there aren't any windows. Come to think of it . . . there aren't any. And those that are here are sort of tinted as if to keep out the sun.

"Why would I do that when I could just steal from you?" I tease her, pulling the jeans on. She rolls her eyes but keeps smiling and opens her mouth to say something when the door behind her opens. She spins, which gives me a clear view of Katrina stepping out of the bathroom completely dressed with makeup on and her hair done.

"Oh." She says when she sees us. "Hello, ladies." Her eyes flick to Colby but she doesn't say anything about it. "Are you coming to breakfast with us, Lydia?"

I look at Tara for an explanation. "All the girls except for Cassie get breakfast every morning." She explains for me. "You can come if you want?"

"I should really get to work." I shake my head as I pull Colby's shirt off and put on the one Tara's brought for me. I throw the shirt down with the rest of his laundry. I wonder if he does it. It's kind of amusing to imagine Colby loading up a washing machine and pouring detergent into it.

"Does the bar sell breakfast?" Tara questions and I nod. "Then why don't we come with you?" My eyes flick to Colby. He's comfortably asleep still and doesn't seem to know about my absence. I'm sure he won't mind if I'm getting more acquainted with these girls. It's not like it effects him anyway. I don't need his permission to do anything.

"Sure." I finally answer as I walk to the door with them. I hesitate on my spot. "I'll meet you downstairs?" The girls nod so I wait for them to be far enough down the hallway before I turn around. I walk up to Colby, leaning over the bed and placing a kiss on his cheek. He moves his head a little, his eyebrows furrowing, but he doesn't wake up. I smile and nod, then leave.

Vampires Rule // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now