"Now if you'll follow me." They followed him to a room with different desks set up. "Here you guys are given a fully functioning remote control model of the F-35 Lightning 2. We are trying to figure out how to make them faster and last longer but we are trying to reduce the amount of fuel we use because we need to save fossil fuel. You guys will be given an hour and a half to work on it and the top 5 planes will get a prize. Everyone choose a station and your time starts now. Good luck." Everyone ran to a station.

Peter got a desk next to ned and started working. He looked at the statistics and saw a way to make the planes faster and more resilient while reducing the fuel by at least half and extending the fly time by 63%. He got to work right away and was done in 47 minutes. He took his plane on a couple test flies and made some adjustments accordingly. When time was up everyone had to drop their tools and grab their planes and remotes and head to the landing pad.

"Alright class I want you to get in a vertical line and place your airplanes in front of you. We are gonna go down the line left to right and when it's your turn you are gonna explain what you changed and demonstrate it." Everyone nodded and got in a straight line.

Airman Johnson and Sergeant Reed stood aside watching the kids. Airman Johnson pointed to Peter "Does that kid look familiar to you?" He whispered to the Sergeant. "Yeah. But I can't figure out where I've seen him." They shrugged and turned their attention back to the kids. They were almost done with the presentations and most kids planes either weren't efficent, didn't meet the requirements, were copied, or fell apart the second they left the ground.

Finally, it was Peter's turn. He explained how he made the plane more resilient and faster whie reducing the fuel useage by 50% and extending the fly time by 63%. Some people didn't believe he could do it and a few engineers gathered around while he was explaning too see if he could actually fly the plane. Sure enough there were many suprised engineers when he flew the plane at about 200mph without it falling apart and it lasted for 30 minutes before the scientists told him they had to move on. He even added mini guns!

"That was impresive kid. What would you say if we offered you an intership here to help us bring your model to life. Well, make it bigger and flyable-er." Dr.Nicholas offered. Peter smiled. "I would have to think about it as I currently have another internship. But I think my internship would let me swing by." He said (no pun intended). Dr,Nicholas nodded. "Well with that it is time for the results." He said grabbing the piece of paper that was handed to him.

"We will tell you the prizes first. Fifth place will get a nintendo switch and a 50 dollar prize. The fourth place winner will get a PS4 and a 100 dollar prize. Third place will get an xbox 1 and a 250 dollar prize. Second place winner will get a Stark phone and 500 dollars. And the first place winner will get all devices mentioned, plus a stark laptop and watch, and a 1000 dollar prize." Everyone started whispering about who they thought was going to win.

"In 5th place we have Cindy Moon. In 4th place we have Ned Leeds. In 3rd place we have Abraham Jackson. In 2nd place we have Michelle Jones. And in first place we have.......drum roll please....Peter Parker." Everyone who won cheered (except MJ she had like a ghost of a smile) and went to claim their prizes. All except peter. "Hey bud. You gonna come get your prizes." 

Peter looked up and smiled. "I can't take your tech but I can take the rest." He said grabbing the check. Dr.Nicholas looked dumbfounded. "Why not?" Peter rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I have it all already." Flash spoke up. "No way Parker. Your like super broke there is no way you have all that tech." 

Peter lifted his arm to show his watch and he pulled his phone and laptop out of his bag and showed a pic of his switch xbox and PS4. "Dang." Jacob said. "So uh...we have planes to look at." Peter said effecively getting everyone's attention off of him. "Right. We are going to have lunch. Then look at the planes then you can go to the giftshop and then you leave. Everyone follow me and say bye to Dr.Nicholas." Everyone said bye and started walking. 

"Peter. Wait!" Everyone turned to look at Dr.Nicholas. "This is gonna sound strange but do I know you from somewhere? You look familiar." Peter shook his head. "Sorry then. Continue with your tour." They walked away and went to lunch. Lunch was uneventful except for people asking peter where he got his stuff. "I have an internship at stark industries adn since I helped make it I got to keep it." He responded. Everyone decided not to push further.

"Alright class. Throw your food away and meet us by the door so we can head to the landing pad." Everyone threw away their food and gathered by the door. They started walking to the landng pad and Sergeant reed walked next to Peter. "Are you sure we don't know you from somewhere?" She asked him. "I'm absolutely positive." He goes to catch up with his friends.

They went out to the landing pad and every plane from a Boeing TC-135 to a B-2 Spirit and they were amazed. Airman Johnson and Sergeant reed were explaining all the planes and what they could do. Just then a gaggle of Airmen and engineers were walking around 2 people but they couldn't see who from afar.

"Look's like you guys got lucky. You get to meet some high ups. Everyone stand at attention." They all followed Airman Johnsons position. Upon seeing who it was everyone started whispering but stayed at attention. Peter pushed his way to the front trying to see what was going on and why everyone was whispering. When he saw who it was he took off. Mr.Harrington, Airman Johnson, and Sergeant Reed tried to grab him but he doged all their hands and went to the people.

"Uncle Rhodey! Aunt Carol!" He said giving Carol a hug. "Hey peter." She said hugging him back. "Hey Pete." They walked back over to the group. "Peter! You cannot run off like that! We're so sorry when we get back to school we will deal with him accordingly." Flashes dumbass decided to speak up before rhodey or carol could even think about saying anything.

"Awww Penis is gonna get suspended for harassing the Captain and the general. Stupid orphan." Rhodey and Carol glared at him. "Excuse me but how dare you talk about my nephew like that." Flashes face paled considerably. "Yeah. Nephew." Flash looked like a fish out of water. "B-But how? He's just Puny Penis Parker." Peter had to hold them back from possible killing him.

"He is tony's intern and he sort of became apart of the family. Now if i think that you so much as blink at him wrong I will not hesitate to send an airstrike at your house and make it seem like a training incident." He growled. Flash nodded and went back in the group. "Peter what are you doing here anyway?" He said. "I went on a fieldtrip and got offered to help build a plane." Rhodey smiled.

"Does this mean you're...?" Peter shook his head. "I told you I'm not going into aerospace or chemical engineering. I might pull an uncle bruce and do biomedical." Rhodey frowned. "That's where we recognized you from. Rhodey and Carol have a bunch of pictures of you in his office." Airman Johnson said. Peter smiled at rhodey already knowing about carol's pictures. "Awe Rhodey that's so cute."

Rhodey frowned. "I'm taking them down. You're a punk and I don't like you anymore." Peter smiled at him. "You know you love me." Rhodey smiled back. "That makes sense as to why te paper said you didn't need a badge." Carol and Rhodey smirked. "We gave you a high clearance so that you could come to the base anytime you want." Peter smiled and hugged them.

"As much as I would love to chat with you guys I have to go with my class. Dinner tonight at the tower. Please come. Tony Clint and Vison will be far away from the kitchen I promise."  They nodded. "We'll be there. See you peter." They walked away. Peter looked at his class. "You all signed NDA's. Say one word and Mr.Stark's lawyers and the government will be on your ass." He said walking to the giftshop..

Needless to say Flash never even looked at him again.

I hope you guys liked it. Enjoy your day. Stay safe.

Word Count: 2299

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