Part 28

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"Black Sheep stop playing with your food and eat"


"What the hell do you mean no Black Sheep eat your food now."

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"Im vegan know"

"Bellum what the hell did you tell her!" Coach Brunt yelled as Dr. Bellum stood up trying to leave the room.

"I didn't do anything shes five she had to know at some point"

"Know what?" Coach Brunt said glaring at her.

"Not to be rude or anything Coach Brunt but your a murderer" Black Sheep said pushing her hot dog away from her.

"Bellum she's five why the hell would you tell her-"

"I didn't tell her about that" Dr Bellum said waving her arms, "I simply told her that meat comes from animals"

"Of course you did" Coach Brunt muttered dragging her hands down her face. "Black Sheep the animals are already dead when they become food and they don't feel any pain when they do die now eat your food."

"Actually that's not true many animals are treated horribly-"

"Your not helping!" Coach Brunt snapped.

"Look Black Sheep all the animals that become food are old and were close to dying anyway there's no point in wasting them" Coach Brunt said.

"Actually veal comes from baby cows-"

"Get out!" Coach Brunt yelled throwing Black Sheep's plate at Dr Bellum.

"Im gonna go you look like you could come down-"

"Oh no you don't," Coach Brunt said grabbing Black Sheep by the collar of her shirt. "Im making you another hot dog and you are going to sit there and eat it."

"What if I don't?"

"Then you ain't getting up." Coach Brunt said handing her a hotdog.

"What if I have to use the bathroom?"

"You can hold it"

"fine" they both said crossing their arms.

2 hours later

"They'll really going at it what did you do this time Bellum?" Malestrom said with a amused look on his face.

"I made Black Sheep a vegan and Coach Brunt is making her eat a hot dog  im sure they'll get over it."

"I don't know they don't fight often but when they do it gets ugly remember last time they would 't even go in the same hallway  for a month." Countess Cleo said walking over.

"Its a battle of will my dear the first one to stand up loses its really not about the hot dog we all know how stubborn those two all." Malestrom said.

"My money's on Black Sheep Coach Brunt always caves in on these type of things." Countess Cleo said no longer intrested.

"I don't know Black Sheep can be stubborn but she's also ansty" Dr Bellum said.

"I can here yall you know" Coach Brunt said glaring at the three of them.

"Im gonna win though you have to teach classes tomorrow so you can't stay here."

"And you don't have access to the kicthen so the only thing you'll be able to eat is that hot dog.

"There are plants on island that are edible" Black Sheep said sticking out her tounge.

"Thats it in the corner know!"

"I thought you said I couldn't stand up until I ate the hot dog"

"Bellum you broke her now fix her!" Coach Brunt yelled stomping out of the room.

"Black Sheep did you know germs are living creatures and when you wash your hands you kill them" Dr Bellum said.

"So I shouldn't wash my hands?" Black Sheep asked confused.

"NO! Thats not what she meant" Countess Cleo said frantically.

"What I meant was those germs die and you don't feel bad so don't feel bad about eating animals people have been doing it since the beginning of time"

"Im sorry Im just not eating a dog"

"Black Sheep hot dogs aren't made of dogs"

"Oh well in that case" Black Sheep said picking up the hotdog.

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