Part 9

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" Plz plz plz! Just this once I won't ask for anything ever again!" Black Sheep begged there was never things to do on the island, especially when your five years old.

"For the last time, Black Sheep no its for your own safety" Coach Brunt said for what seemed like the millionth time that week. All week long Black Sheep had been trying to persuade the faculty and she had been getting on all of their last nerves.

"Why would you even want to go, it's nothing you would enjoy you would be bored with the entire time, it's not like she would understand anything," Dr. Bellum said after they had finally managed to get rid of Black Sheep.

Professor Malstrom gave a disturbing grin," actually Dr. Bellum you give me an idea, let's let her got to our classes for a day, once she does she won't find it interesting and won't bug us anymore."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but that ain't a bad idea," Coach Brunt said. "But if we do this we all need to adjust our lesson plans," Coach Brunt said looking at Dr. Bellum.

"Yes yes I know, no weapons or chemicals"

"Or poisons" Coach Brunt added.

"Fine, I'll go over how to hack into security cameras or something"

"Remember we have to make our classes as boring and SAFE as possible for this to work" All the faculty members nod their heads in agreement except Shadowsun who just mumbles how this was a bad idea.

"I will be taking no part in this" Shadowsun said

"Nor will I," Countess Cleo said after a moment, "She would just break something"

" Then I guess you'll have to adjust your lesson plans as well." Dr. Bellum said.

"Then I'll go let her know of our decision" Coach Brunt said.

Black Sheep was rather confused as to why Coach Brunt had visited her later that night but was ecstatic when she had learned why. The plan was for her to come to the classes in two days time giving each faculty member time to prepare as well as an assembly to explain what the faculty member excepted from all the tranies.

The assembly had gone rather roughly, besides the large amount of complaining there was also a large variety of questions and Coach Brunt was starting to question whether this was a good idea after all. Though there was no time to ponder on that as the day quickly arrived.

That morning after breakfast Coach Brunt had taken her aside to make sure this was really what she wanted, unfortunately, Black Sheep had insisted that it was. Coach Brunt introduced Black Sheep to the operative chosen to take Black Sheep class to class and watch over her during the day.

"Black Sheep this is Pink Popper she will be taking you class to class if you need help or decide you don't want to do this just let her know" Black Sheep nodded and waved goodbye to Coach Brunt as she walked away to get some grades put in before classes for the day started.

As soon as Coach Brrunt was out of earshot Pink Popper took a piece of gum out of her mouth and stuck it on Black Sheep's forehead.

"Look I don't know why they think I would be willing to do this, but I'm in charge so you follow my rules. This is a school for criminals so your gonna be treated like crap, go run off to Coach Brunt about it and she's not gonna let you back here again got it" She said flicking her forehead, Black Sheep nodded not quite understanding that she was just being cruel, and in fact this was not how all the tranies acted.

In fact, most of the time they acted while not exactly kind but friendly or indifferent to each other, they were all on the same side after all. But the idea of having someone to pick on excited many of the tranies overlooking the warnings they were given at the assembly.

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