Part 34

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"Just kill me now." Coach Brunt muttered half asleep. She wondered how things could have gone so wrong. All she wanted to do was teach her some nursery ryhmes. The two-year-old pick them up quickly, of course, that wasn't the problem. The problem was that she wouldn't stop singing the same darn song over and over again!

She supposed it was her fault the first few times when it was still cute and she was showing the other faculty members she had givin her a lot of phrases and treats. Naturally, the two years was happy about that so she started singing it nonstop to get more treats. Coach Brunt had told her good job but stopped giving her treats trying to better her from singing the song but that hadn't worked.

Dr. Bellum assured her that she would get bored of the song and be doing something else non-stop by the end of the week, that was partially true. Black Sheep had gotten bored of the original Old Mcdonalds had a farm, but instead of moving onto something else she started making her own versions of it.

Again at first, it was cute and she made the mistake of encouraging her too much. From there, things had gone downhill and her remakes of the song started to make less and less sense. Currently, her favorite version was when she sang "There is a black Sheep cause I am Black Sheep something something something and it went ba ba ba" Yes, she actually sang something something something and it was as funny and as stupid as it sounded. Again a few times would have been fine, it was that she did it nonstop. 

If Coach Brunt asked her to stop, she would etheir begin cry, ignore her, or make up a new part that usally went along the lines of "Coach Brunt is wrong am I am right something something o" What was with the somethings? She knew the right way to sing it, so Coach Brunt knew she was doing that for fun.

Maybe Black Sheep was getting to much sugar, or she was bored. Could two year olds even get bored? Coach Brunt scooped up Black Sheep who was still singing, though so many of her words got smush together it was hard to understand what she was saying. She knew Dr. Bellum had said to teach her a new song, but Coach Brunt was worried it would just end up exactly like this and she was already on her last nerve. Coach Brunt placed her in her crib and tucked her in for her nap gently shushing her.

"Quiet time Lambkins get some shut-eye." Coach Brunt said dimming the light, of course, what two-year-old was known to listen. Instead of doing what she was told she began to sing louder. 

"Why do you keep singing that song!"Coach Brunt said frustrated to herself.

"Cause I want to sing it together." Black Sheep said with a duh in her voice. That was it? She just wanted to sing it together. She supposed she probably should have just asked to begin with.

"Alright, we can sing it together. But we're gonna do it the right way and then your gonna take your nap alright?" Black Sheep nodded happily.

Unfortantly for Coach Brunt Professor Malestrom was walking by the room as they sang it together and had called the other faculty members to watch as well. They had all teased her later that night after Black Sheep had been put to bed.

"You can all laugh now but you're going to be teaching her the other ones, why don't you start with the Itsy Bisty Spider Malstrom, and your gonna do it the right way, no gory stuff got it." Coach Brunt said with a smirk, and Dr. Bellum laughed.

"I wouldn't be laughing Bellum, you got Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" Coach Brunt said.

"I expect you both to perform the song with her in front of me too."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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