Part 4

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(IMPORTANT DO NOT SKIP these next few chapters will all be for the same one shot I figured it would be easier to do it here than doing it on its own just some reminders, if you read Carmen Sandiego return to V.I.L.E in the last chapter it will say something that may be confusing for this story, were before this day Black Sheep did not have a name, while this is the event Coach Brunt described plz overlook the fact that she is already Black Sheep in this and the other one-shots)

(Black Sheep)

I run around campus looking for Coach Brunt, I had just found something I didn't know what it was, so naturally, I went to her. I held it in my hand careful not to crush it, it was so cool! I laughed as it tickled my hands, I scooped it up out of the water, I had seen plenty of fish, and clams but I never had seen anything like this, mostly because I didn't really go down to the edge often, there was just no need to.

I giggled racing up behind Coach Brunt, she was yelling at some students who were running the track. I tug on her shirt and she starts to turn around.

"Hey, Lambkins what up, shouldn't you be with your tutor?"

I shrugged, she had never shown up so eventually, I got bored and went down to the edge of the island.

"What is this?" I said opening my hands to reveal the small creature, she went down on her knee to get a better look at it.

"What in the name of Black Sheep put that down right know!" she yelled smacking it out of my hand onto the ground, tears started to form in the corner of my eyes.

"That thing is dangoures," she said trying to justify her action.

"How?" I cocked my hand to the side, I went to pick it back up, but before I could she scooped me up and placed me on her shoulder,  She stomped angrily down to Dr. Bellums classroom. I asked her again why it was dangoures but I don't think she heard me.

Dr. Bellum was teaching her class, I wasn't allowed in any of the classrooms so I was excited by this rare opportunity.

"What is Black Sheep doing here shouldn't she be with her tutor, and don't you have a class to teach." Dr. Bellum said stepping away from the student desk she was at, over to us, Coach Brunt put me down, and told me to sit, I did, but as soon as they went out the door, I opened it slightly so I could see what was going on.

"Do you want to explain, why Black Sheep had one of your little mutant creations."

What was a mutant creature? I slip out past the two of them arguing, while I wanted to be in the classroom, it wasn't like Dr. Bellu was teaching anything so it kinda got rid of the whole point.

I run back to where I had found the one creature, to see if I could find another, I didn't but I didn't manage to find, well really she found me.

"What part of stay put don't you understand," Coach Brunt said running with worry and a bit of rage sprawled across her face.

I shrugged "I wanted to see if I could find another one" Horror filled her face, I don't get what the big deal was.

"No, absolutely not, I don't want to find you down here again until I tell you otherwise." She said taking me by the hand and together we walked to the center building, I stopped walking as I heard the whirl of the helicopter, I loved to watch it land and see what exotic treasure the graduates had brought back, it was the only real connection I had to the outside wourld, I wondered what it was like with all the diffrent cultures, I couldn't wait to see or myself. I run off to the landing pad, with Coach Brunt running behind.

"Black Sheep come back you can't just go running off whenever you want." I stopped and faced her."

"Why not?" She sighed getting down on one knee "What if there was an emergency, we would have no idea where you are, and what about in the future, when you go on capers of your own, you can't just wander off you would get caught." I frown but nod, what she was saying made sense, it always did, I know she was just trying to keep me safe, but being safe often got boring.

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