Part 24

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"Want to play a game" Black Sheep asked Coach Brunt as they sat down at a table in the cafeteria.

"Sure Lambkins what did ya have in mind?" Coach Brunt said with a shrug.

"Lets play twenty questions. The first question is how come you guys brought me back to the island and only me wouldn't there have been other times why not bring a diffrent baby back-"

Coach Brunt stopped Blakc Sheep in her tracks before she could go any further "Don't worry about it-"

"Okay we can go back to that one" Black Sheep cut her off, "question number two how can I be on the nice list for Santa when VILE is bad?"

"This isn't how you play that game!" Coach Brunt said trying to do everything in her power to keep the conversation from going to someplace she did not want to cross.

"Just answer the question," Black Sheep said rolling her eyes. Coach Brunt pondered the question for a moment before answering she didn't want to wreck a 7 year olds beliefs. Besides Santa and the whole naughty or nice thing was the only thing that kept her from playing pranks during the holiday season.

"Your not VILE your Black Sheep-" Coach Brunt started unsure of where she was going with this. "Your not technically in VILE yet you just happen to live here like if your mom was a murderer and you lived with her that dosn't make you a murder. understand?"

"Wait did you know my mom?"

"Alight bad example but you get what i'm saying. Besides the naughty or nice thing is for kids to-" Coach Brunt stopped herself right before saying behave. "Well Santa isn't for adults Santa dosn't come for adults only for kids who behave, and by that behaving for your parents, or your guardian" Coach Brunt quickly added. "If your good for them that puts you on the good list got it?"

Black Sheep nodded and thanked her. She understood what she was saying but she wanted a second opinion so she went to go find Professor Malestrom. She found him in the teacher's lounge drinking a cup of coffee sitting across from Dr Bellum.

"I have a question am I a criminal because your a criminal. 

Professor Malestrom grinned he loved these kind of mind games Dr Bellum shot him a warning not to over do it and he just rolled his eyes.

"Technically no you didn't commit any felony and you have no means of making a influence. If you saw someone trying to kill someone and you just stood and watch morally you would be responsible for helping in that murder." Professor Malestrom explained and Dr Bellum slapped herself in the head.

"Wait im not talking about murder" Black Sheep said confused, "and what does morally mean?" Before Profesor Malestrom could continue Dr. Bellem cut him off,.

"Don't worry about it if your worried about doing the right thing or not think of it this way every government has its own set of rules and these rules can conflict with other governments children are brought up to believe that the right things to do are the rules that you are brought up with. One government might say owning wild animals is a felony while another might think its find its all just a point of veiw and our point of veiw which your brought up with is that what we do is fine."

Black Sheep did a double-take Dr Bellum just told her something that actually made sense.


I'm thinking of making a book where VILE is caught while Black Sheep is still a kid maybe 9 or 10 and she is put in social services and has to learn to adjust to a normal life im not going to go into how it happened as thats a whole story of its own  but let me know below in the comments if I should write a chapter to get it going

Little Black SheepDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora