Part 27

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"Alright Lambkins what's this important announcement that we all had to hear" Coach Brunt said her mind running wild, she figured it couldn't be too bad, but then again it was Black Sheep. She didn't seem upset when she said she had an announcement that they all needed to hear, in fact she had seemed excited. Unfortunately when Black Sheep was excited, well was anything it usually meant trouble, maybe her code name should have been double trouble.

"I'm now 7 years old-"

"Let me stop you right there, you ain't joining the academy yet" Coach Brunt said crossing her arms.

"Oh it's not, actually it's sort of the opposite"

"This should be good" Maelstrom said muttering massaging his temples. "Well Black Sheep, what is so important that it couldn't wait, I'm dying to know," Maelstrom said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I decided that since It's going to take too long to join the academy I'm going to be a vet. There are so many animals on the island. Did you know that some of the students step on the baby turtles?

"Well that would explain why the cleaners found multiple baby turtles while cleaning your room" Coach Brunt said rolling her eyes.

"Black Sheep, you wouldn't happen to be feeding these turtles by any chance would you?"


"Well that would explain why we are so low on lettuce" Countess Cleo said with a huff. "That lettuce is expensive you can't just feed it to turtles Black Sheep"

"So you expect me to let them starve, I can't feed them the lettuce you give the students their babies they would puke their guts out!"

"Black Sheep" Dr. Bellum said, realizing something, "Exactly what other animals have you been taking care of besides baby turtles?"

"Oh all types of animals , frogs, rats-"

"You took my test rats!" Dr Bellum yelled.

"You took my frogs" Maelstrom yelled

"Well of course I did. You were keeping them in tiny cages and you were treating them horribly one of the rats was pink! I mean I like pink but rays shouldn't be that color."

"They were test rats!" Dr Bellum yelled, "If I don't have rats to test on then I will have to test on Black Sheeps" Dr Bellum said gritting her teeth.

"Why black, I mean you shouldn't but why not white - oh" Black Sheep said, realizing what Dr Bellum meant.

"Black Sheep look it's nice and all that you want to help these animals but wild animals are wild they don't need help, and as for Bellum's rats and Maelstroms bugs and stuff, they are there to help with lessons or whatever your gonna have to ask them about that. My point is don't take animals away from where they belong. If an animal is hurt and i'm talking like a bird or a turtle no worms, and it can't survive on its own then you can bring it to the infirmary Dr. Bellum will get it patched up and then you let it go.

"I did not agree to that," Dr Bellum said, raising a finger.

"But if a bird is hurt it won't be able to survive" Black Sheep protested.

"The cleaners can make a small pen or crate or whatever and you can let the animals stay there until they are able to live in the wild on their own, they don't go inside unless instructed, and you don't go taking food to feed them. Your gonna have to do some extra chores or something for the costs of feeding those animals to got it?"

"Yup thank you!"

"As for the students mistreating the animals we'll have a talk with them and if you see someone mistreating them quietly come and tell one of us and we will take care of it." Dr Bellum said.

"Finally as for you being a vet,that can be a side job until it's time for you to go to the academy. You're still a thief" Coach Brunt said.

"Yes Coach Brunt" Black Sheep said, giving a little salute.

"Good now go play"

(Hi sorry for not updating in a long time Im just kind of out of ideas if you have anything you let me know)

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