Part 19

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"It would just be a waste of our time, it's not like she's gonna remember it" Dr Bellum said not looking up from her many screens"

"Come on, everyone should have a birthday party, at least let have this one to welcome her to VILE if nothing else" Coach Brunt bargained with the rest of the faculty.

"While she wouldn't exactly remember it she would remember it for a little while, after all she wouldn't necessarily forget it, it would just be so long ago that it would be fuzzy she may still remember small bits and pieces I remember random things for no reason that happened from my own childhood." Maelstrom said grinning.

"Besides why not get her accustomed to what we do early on?" Maelstrom chuckled

"We are not giving her an evil birthday party" Coach Brunt said crossing her arms scowling at him.

"You were the one who suggested we have a small party for her to welcome her here" Dr Bellum said for the purpose of to just poke fun at her. "I have a recording if you don't believe-"

"Well if we are having a party for her it should be elegant" Countess Cleo said.

"She's one it doesn't need to be elegant." Coach Brunt huffed

"THe idea altogether is pointless" Shadowsun mummered.

"Fine then why don't we all just plan our own party for her since you all think you know what's best" COach BRunt said standing up. "Tomorrow night."

"Fine" they all said at once expect Shadowsun who just rolled his eyes, he supposed he would have to participate in it as well, no wonder Wolf wanted to leave with all of their arguing he thought to himself.

Each faculty member had their own idea of a party for the one year old and naturally their own was the best in their opinion. Maelstrom was sure the obvious theme would be an evil themed party after all that's what VILE was. The more wicked and twisted the better. He wasn't much for decorations but figured he could do a few red and black of course the most sinister colors of all, he would never understand why VILE colors were blue green and black.

As for refreshments red punch would do nicely he figured and bitter dark chocolate cupcakes would make the most sense you wouldn't want something sweet for evil themed party after all that would just be silly.

Dr. Bellum also believed that an evil themed party would be best but not exactly in the way Professor Maelstrom did. He was thinking pure evil while Dr Bellum was more towards VILE being evil. Decorations were VILE colors but that didn't mean that she couldn't add some science into it.

She whipped up a special drink with some harmless chemicals to make the punch glow bright blue when the lights are turned off. Then she decided to make her own cupcake formula not following the proper instructions making the ending result of the cupcakes nothing less then disatoures and unsafe to eat and ended up having to be thrown away.

Countess Cleo also believed an evil themed party would be best but that didn't mean it couldn't be fancy. She had ordered countless fancy finger foods and adverbs. She also had ordered countless beautiful flower arrangements that consistently of blue and green flowers and other centerpieces.

As for what she would wear it was nothing less than fabulous. She had the Cleaners pick up everything she had ordered and set everything up. Each of the faculty members took a corner of the gym and decorated it to how they deemed fit, Countess Cleo took the middle having the biggest section by far. She had all the Cleaners set up the tables food and all the decorations while the other faculty members had done it themselves, she was to busy to set it up herself and didn't want to risk ruining her manicure.

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