Part 10

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(Black Sheep's point of view)

"Where is it" Black Sheep groaned to herself frantically searching her room. She opened her dolls multiple times hoping that the phone she had taken yesterday would suddenly reappear. She could have sworn she left it in the doll, the only other person who had even been in her room was Coach Brunt, and if she were to have found the phone she would've definitely said something.

She had to find it before someone else did, it was a chance to talk to someone from the outside world, not to mention the sole thing that would get her grounded for the rest of her life.

"What cha looking for Lambkins?" Coach Brunt asked walking over to Black Sheep placing a hand on her shoulder. Black Sheep jumped slightly at the motion wondering exactly how much she heard. DShe had never said to herself what it was so Coach Brunt didn't know she told herself as she tried to come up with a lie.

"It's nothing important," She said Coach Brunt frowned,

"Obviously it is to you I could hear you scrambling things around from across the halls, besides I know you well enough to know when your upset Lambkins," Coach Brunt said crossing her arms.

"I- uh" Black Sheep started not knowing what to say.

" Black Sheep what did you take?"

"What nothing!" Black Sheep started up defensively. "What makes you think I took something.

"You ain't talking, and whenever you take something you shouldn't you look at the ground for the rest of the day sometimes longer depending on what it was."

"Oh," Black Sheep said, "Well you see- I wanted to see if I could pickpocket something without anyone noticing so I took some lesson plans, but know I can't find where I put it so I can't give it back." Black Sheep said thinking on her feet.

"Oh is that all, don't worry about it we all have copies kids often think stealing them will give them extra credit, it doesn't" Coach Brunt patted her head and walked out of the room. Black Sheep sat on her bed sighing relieved but upset. She was glad Coach Brunt didn't find out the truth but the phone was still missing, and that caused many problems then she cared to think about.

Making her way out of her room she made her way down the hall to retrace all of her steps to find the found. She knew for a fact that she had taken it straight to her room once she had gotten away from Coach Brunt and still had the phone on her then. The only other place she had gone yesterday was to the roof to try and figure out how to make it work, she had no luck but considering the circumstances at the moment that was probably for the best. Once she got to the roof she searched for a while before going back to her room flopping on the bed defeated, the phone was gone all she could do was wait for the inevitable.

That night as Coach Brunt tucked her into bed Black Sheep decided to at least know what punishment awaited her when it was found. If it was ever even found. Maybe Coach Brunt had found it already and decided to keep quiet about it, there really was just no way of knowing, who would find it and when.

"Coach Brunt what would happen if someone had a phone"

Coach Brunt stared at her for a moment scratching the back of her neck, something she always did when Black Sheep asked a question she didn't know or didn't want to answer.

"Well the person would be expelled and if they were using it and leaking information they would be marked as a traitor." While she supposed that was helpful that didn't really apply to her.

"What if someone just found a phone, or pickpocketed it off of someone else?" Black Sheep pushed for more information and Coach Brunt didn't like where this was going, but she was just happy Black Sheep didn't ask what happened to traitors, that was one stone she did not want to turn over.

"Well if that person could prove that the phone wasn't theirs and turned it in as soon as they got it, they would probably get extra credit" Coach Brunt said with a shrug.

"What if they didn't turn it in though, and they used it but they didn't leak any information?"}

"Well they're still breaking the rules, even if it's not their phone so they would be expelled"

"What if I found a phone?" Coach Burnt face went paler than Maelstrom was. " You would be in a lot of trouble, would never be able to be enrolled in the academy and we would discover who you were talking to and we would have to make sure they didn't know anything about why do you ask?" Coach Brunt said staring her down.

"To be honest, I saw someone with a phone yesterday," Black Sheep said, which technically wasn't a lie.

"Black Sheep" Coach Brunt said her face becoming extremely serious, "Are you sure what you sure was a phone, we take extreme measures to make sure there are none" Black Sheep nodded. At least this way in her mind if the phone was found she wouldn't be blamed in less it was found in her room. Coach Brunt took Black Sheep by the hand to the faculty table, a place she wasn't allowed in unless it was extremely important.

"Black Sheep I want you to tell them what you told me, I want you to tell them exactly what you saw" The rest of the faculty only half-heartedly listened to what she had to say as she was only seven and what could a seven-year possibly have to say that was important? They continued to until they heard the word phone at which point they all sat up straight exccept Counter Cleo and Shadowsun who already were.

"Who had the phone" Dr Bellum said attually shutting her computers off and pushing them to the side showing just how serious the matter was. Black Sheep swallowed nervously before speaking.

"I don't know, they were in a VILE uniform," Black Sheep said, she didn't want to get anyone in trouble.

"Well, that narrows it down to nobody" Professor Maelstrom said.

"How about gender, what time of day what hallway?" Dr Bellum said trying to figure out who it was.

"It was a boy it was as everyone left from the lunchroom, I don't know the hallway though."Black Sheep said with a shrug.

"Well that narrows it down to 23 students that's a start I suppose." Dr Bellum said sighing knewing she should of known better then to get a straight answer from her.

"What about hair color, eye color any markings?" Dr Bellum asked.

"I don't know I wasn't trying to look, I just saw it in his pocket"

"Honestly this is a bit odd that this person would be so careless" Countess Cleo chimed in.

They all looked at Black Sheep for a moment.

"Black Sheep can you describe the phone?" Dr Bellum asked beginning to think what Black Sheep saw wasn't a phone, after all, how would she know what one looked like?

"It had buttons on it and a little screen?" Which it did have it was not a normal type of phone, and Dr Bellum never stopped to think it was the same type of phone that they used that she was referring to. The faculty looked to each other.

"Lambkins I think what you saw was a calculator" Coach Brunt said. Black Sheep was about to argue that she had but she decided it was better to keep her mouth shut so she did herself into a bigger hole.

Black Sheep was sent on her way with the faculty decision that what she saw was just a calculator, still later that night the faculty had made an announcement that she luckily overheard. It seemed they didn't want to take any chances because they announced that somebody had an item they shouldn't and should come forward and if not a full search would be put in place.

Black Sheep ran to her room and grabbed some things she had stolen from operatives and went to put it in the vent so it wouldn't be found during the search in case they would go through her room. As she opened the vent she smiled, the phone had been in the vent! She slowly remembered putting it in their deciding she didn't want to take any chances. She took it and placed it in her doll as well as the other jewelry instead of the vent and she was glad she had.

The faculty had upheld their promise and all the dorms were searched, the day the breakfast many operatives had complained about photos of family members or cheat sheets they had stored in the vents being taken away.

Black Sheep smiled know all that was left to do was figure out how to use the phone.

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