Part 16

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( make sure you read the last chapter basically this one is a more in-depth story of Black Sheep emotionally recovering from the fire)

The first couple of days after the fire Black Sheep didn't have energy to do much of anything and would only stay awake momentarily to eat something before falling back asleep. After a few days of Black Sheep regain her strength back and the burns began to heal Dr. Bellum decided it was time to get Black Sheep out of bed and moving around a little. The first two days hadn't gone smoothly as Dr. Bellum tried to teach her how to use crutches, and things have only gone downhill from there."

Black Sheep, while she had always been attached to Coach Brunt, had begun to grow extremely clingy to her and it only seemed to get worse each day. Though the real wake up call for the faculty was the third day of Black Sheep on crutches as Coach Brunt had brought her back to the infirmary for her to rest after a lap around the hallway. As Coach Brunt tucked Black Sheep in the bed she had suddenly launched onto Coach Brunts hand clinging to it for her deal life.

"Don't go!" She screamed at the top of her lungs sobbing Dr. Bellum had heard her all they way from her lab and rushed into the room to see a sobbing screaming Black Sheep clinging to Coach Brunt.

"What's going on?" Dr. Bellum asked worriedly, rushing over to Black Sheeps sighed, Coach Brunt shrugged and Black Sheep screamed again at the sudden movement.

"Don't go!"

"I'm not going anywhere Lambkins come down" Coach Brunt said clearly worried trying to come her down with no luck as Dr. Bellum checked her over to see if the burn had become worse.

Black Sheep quickly exhausted herself falling asleep still clinging to Coach Brunts hand with a death grip. She quickly removed Black Sheeps fingers walking outside the hallway with Dr. Bellum.

"What's going on?" Coach Brunt asked, Dr Bellum shook her head, "The burn on her leg is healing as it should, well much faster than it should thanks to my ointments I don't think it's something physical. I think we might need to get-"

"No we are not getting Maelstrom involved" Coach Brunt said.

"Did someone say my name?" Professor Maelstrom said turning the corner, "What are you doing spying on us?" Coach Brunt said staring daggers at him, the last time they asked Maelstrom for help with Black Sheep when she suddenly started to wet the bed when she was three Maelstrom had convinced Black Sheep that if she kept wetting the bed that a monster would get her. She refused to use the bathroom without someone in their for the next three mounths.

"I heard her screaming don't leave me naturally I was alarmed"

"Since when do you have feelings?" Coach Brunt said crossing her arms.

"Well I never said I did you can understand how they work mentally without having them" He said smirking making Coach Brunt a bit uncomfortable.

"Fine what's wrong with her and how do we fix it" Coach Brunt asked.

"She's just been through a traumatic experience where she looked alone in a dark closet until it caught on fire naturally she's going to be afraid to be alone, and mentions or seeing pictures of fires are going to terrify her. There isn't some type of cure for it it takes time and patience and you have to help her see that's she's safe and once she does, she'll go back to normal, and if not you'll probably go insane.." Professor Maelstrom said and with that walked away.

"That actually makes sense minus the insane part" Dr Bellum said mummering to herself.

The rest of the week Coach Brunt did the best she could to be with Black Sheep every moment possible which was never enough and gym class and her class had been canceled all week. She felt bad but this couldn't continue and she knew it. The last straw happened though late at night.

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