Part 12

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The tranie awkwardly looked at Black Sheep, he had been asked to watch over the almost 5-year-old while Coach Brunt broke up a fight which could range anywhere from a few seconds to half an hour, backing down to a fight or losing made you the outcast of the tranies even if told to stop so it could take a while.

"So uh Black Sheep you're turning 5 tomorrow right?" The operative asked trying to make conversation. While technically no one knew her real birthday it had been decided that she would just become a year older on the day she was brought to the island each year.

Black Sheep nodded happily, she didn't exactly understand why it was a big deal but she had been told that her and Coach Brunt would spend all afternoon together after classes putting any grading aside to play with her today, she had been looking forward to tomorrow all week!

"So uh- you must be really excited for cake huh, who knows maybe you could sneak me a piece," He said laughing nervously, Black Sheep cocked her head to the side.

"What's cake do you mean cupcake?" Black Sheep asked confused. He shrugged it off figuring that she probably just got a different type of snack after all different cultures did different things to celebrate birthdays, he figured that even though Coach Brunt was from Texas that she decided to do a different celebration.

He looked at her in curiosity, "So uh- what do you do for the party?" Black Sheep shrugged he hit himself mentally, of course, there was no party there was no one to go. "I mean what kind of treats and presents did you get last year?

Black Sheep looked at him confused. "You mean you never actually celebrate your birthday?" Black Sheep shook her head no. He frowned. Even if this was a school for criminals everyone deserves to celebrate her birthday.

Coach Brunt came back over to the table thanking him, and nonverbally shooing him away. He left deep in thought back over to his table.

"What's wrong Crane?" One of the operatives asked, he told them expecting them to all laugh, but instead, they all silently looked down at their feet. Most of them hadn't been brought up in a good home or have one for that matter but they all had at least had one great birthday no matter how small it may have really been.

Some of their happy memories were from then. "I say we throw her a party, nothing big just grab some snacks and stuff," Blaze said looking up, the operatives nodded their heads in agreement.

They split up into pairs of two's and even decided to have a little competition on who's present she liked best. The ten of them in their groups of two started their scavenger hunt for the items during lunch break.

One group went down to Dr. Bellum's lab swiping hydrogen and some plastic gloves for balloons, while another group used their origami skills to make some decorations. Blaze and Crane had gotten the harder job of getting snacks.

Crane walked up to Black Sheep who was eating with her nanny and asked if he could hang out with her for a bit. The nanny was fast to agree happy to take a break walking away not suspecting a thing. Black Sheep looked at him wide-eyed happy that he had come back.

"So Black Sheep what are your favorite foods?" He asked trying to get an idea of what he should look for.

She smiled answering instantly " Cookies and cupcakes!" She started to ramble on about how Coach Brunt would bring her one as a treat every once in a while and went on and on about the last cupcake she had eaten a week ago.

After awhile he manages to get the information that he needed and alerted Blaze and the two of them headed to Coach Brunt's secret snack stash. It was easy enough to get there and thanks to Blaze removing the padlock it was a snap.

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