Part 11

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Black Sheep frowned, no she scowled at the tray in front of her. Coach Brunt had promised they would eat a special lunch together today for not doing anything for behaving all month and not getting into any trouble which was always extremely hard for a 3-year-old, well more towards 3 and a half but still!

Black Sheep glared at her lunch refusing to eat it, it just wasn't fair she did exactly as she was told she kept her promise Coach Brunt should have kept hers. I mean they pinkie promised, how do you break a pinky promise! Black Sheep got down from the table ignoring her nanny's calls and started into a run, which for her age was extremely fast.

She made her way down to the gym (eventually) determined to let Coach Brunt know that she was in trouble with her, which in her mind was the worst punishment in the world. Black Sheep pushed a chair to one of the doors and climbed on top of it opening the door and hopping off the chair into the gym and when everybody didn't stop fighting especially Coach Brunt who was showing a tranie how to throw someone over their back Black Sheep had gotten even more frustrated.

"Hey!" Black Sheep yelled as loud as she could, at the point a few stop to stare at her confused as to why there was a toddler there. Coach brunt told everyone to go back to what they were doing and jogged over to Black Sheep.

Up"What are you doing here Lambkins shouldn't you be with your nanny?"

Black Sheep frowned she wasn't even going to apologize!

"Your a--- your a--- Your a Meanie Weenie!" Which at the time was Black Sheeps worst insult and Coach Brunt knew that all too well.

"Black Sheep" Coach Brunt started her voice kind but firm "You know better than to say that"

Black Sheep frowned that was all she cared about! "Your not even that your a- Your a Meanie Weenie Genie Meanie!"

"Black Sheep!" Coach Brunt yelled, louder than she meant to more shocked then angry, she knew she had over reacted as tears streamed down Black Sheeps face. Before going to run out of the door

" If you walk out away from me your going to be in a lot of trouble you hear" Coach Brunt said.

Black Sheep cried running into Countess Cleo causing her to drop her drink all over her dress.

" Look what you made me do you little ungrateful child!" My dress is ruined!" Countess Cleo yelled Black Sheep continued to run crying to Dr Bellum's lab wiping the tears out of her eyes Dr Bellum was her second favorite well know her first favorite faculty member after today so surely she could make her feel better.

Black Sheep went into the open lab only for Dr Bellum to also yell at her.

" Get out !' Black Sheep was out of ear range before she could finish hearing however " there are toxins not safe in here for a child"

Black Sheep ran to her room grabbing her nesting dolls, everyone hated her after all why else would they all yell at her no it was particularly her fault after all she had made Countess Cleo spill her drink and m ew better then to go into the lab without permission.

As she put the dolls down Coach Brunt comes marching and opens the door mad.

" Black Sheep I told you not to walk away and you ran awesome from your nanny you know better than that" Coach brunt said not yelling but still in a firm voice. " I'm disappointed in you, when your ready to apologize to me and your nanny you can come out until then you stay put" Coach Brunt said closing the door behind her.

Black Sheep began to cry again she really did hate her! Picking up her nesting dolls she knew the only thing to do was to runaway. Pushing one of the two chairs to her window she climbed on top of it and exited her through the open window.

Black Sheep started into a run to her secret hiding place behind the school where there was a small opening just big enough for no one bigger then perhaps Dr Bellum that lead into a small cave about the size of her bedroom that was filled with things she found that she liked on the ground and snacks she had taken from Coach Brunts snack snash in the teachers lounge when no one was looking, which surprisingly was much easier than it sounded.

Black Sheep fell asleep not long after getting there crying herself to sleep. When she had woken up the faculty were a little more than worried and sent the cleaners to look for her.

Coach brunt blamed herself saying that she had gone to hard on her while Dr Bellum looked over security footage.

" Well she's not anywhere in the building meaning she's somewhere outside and since not seen on any cameras outside except from leaving through here window the place she most likely is-'

" Why would she go there! That place is off limits for a reason the whole area is nothing but cliffs spikes quicksand and mud! Coach Brunt said extremely alarmed.

The faculty sent the Cleaners with the now narrowed down area of a 3 mile radius not counting the inside to look. At the 48 hour mark the faculty began to grow extremely worried and had made an announcement that if any tranie found her they would be giving extra credit.

" She has to come back at some point right? I mean she has to eat? Coach brunt said to herself pacing, as Dr Bellum used drones the scan the island the slippery slopes as the faculty referred to the dangerous area as.

" I think I have an idea of where she may be" Dr Bellum said after reviewing footage for hours, " there's a small opening here" Dr. Bellum said pointing at the screen, " she's not on the island so she has to be inside she must of slipped into the area whether it is on purpose or not."

" Then that's where we go" Coach brunt said taking out of the room

Black Sheep had run out of food eating her last of the stolen stash and was cold, though she was stubborn and refused to go back, she wanted nothing to do with people who hated her.

" Black Sheep- Black Sheep if you can hear me come out I promise we're not mad we just want you safe."

" No you hate me!" Black Sheep yelled tearing up.

Coach Brunt followed her voice but couldn't fit throughout the hole and she cursed under her breath. " Where would you get an idea like that?"

" You yelled at me" Black Sheep yelled tears strolling down her face.

" Oh Lambkins I could never hate you"

Black Sheep wiped away her tears grabbing her nesting dolls and crawled out of the hole

" promise" Back Sheep asked

" Of course," Coach Brunt said hugging her.

Little Black SheepWhere stories live. Discover now