Part 29

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"Rebellion!!!!!!" A certain three year old with the name Black Sheep screamed running around hands it the air only half way dress.

"Black Sheep that's enough now come over here and come down it's time for bed" Coach Brunt said chasing after her.


"What on earth are you talking about?" Coach Brunt said scooping Black Sheep up in her arms trying not to drop her with all the wiggling.

"Its like you had sugar, coffee, and energy drinks all at once" Coach Brunt muttered to herself.

"Put me down you crazy lady!" Black Sheep yelled biting Coach Brunt while it didn't hurt it sure was not acceptable and Coach Brunt was gonna make that clear.

"What has gotten in to you? You DON'T bite! Your going in time out."

"Can't make me" Black Sheep said as she stuck her tounge out at her.

"Oh I can and I will" Coach Brunt said placing Black Sheep in the corner only for her to run out and for her to place her back there. Not only did this happen multiple times Coach Brunt also had to put her clothes back on as she struggled screaming bloody murder after she had taken her clothes off and had proclaimed that she was queen of the island and she answered to no one.

"UM Coach Brunt I get this is a bad time but you didn't happen to go into my lab by any chance did you?" Dr. Bellum asked trying not to laugh, it was bad Black Sheep was not behaving but it was hilairious.


"Thats enough out of you hush!"Coach Brunt said taking Black Sheep by the hand leading her back to the corner.

"Yeah I left something in there this morning when we were talking why do you ask?"

"Because I was working on a experiment to give tranies a energy boost, they looked like little candies and now there gone"

"Black Sheep?" Coach Brunt said eyeing the three year old that had finally started to come down. She instantly put her hands in the air when her name was called.

"Nope no proof!"

"Well it's no mystery" Coach Brunt said rolling her eyes scooping Black Sheep up.

"Uh oh."

"What do you mean uh oh? Bellum what the heck do you mean by uh oh!" Coach Brunt yelled.

Bellum let out a nervous chuckle pulling on the collar of her shirt, "Well like I said they were experimental, and there are side effects that I'm still working on."

"Such as?" Coach Brunt said her eyes glaring at Bellum.

"Just to be clear this is your fault not mine, you were watching her she shouldn't have been in my lab-"

"Bellum the side effects!"

"Right, well uh, these may or may not apply since it wasn't designed to someone her age and there could be other side effects that I don't list since-"

"Spit it out Bellum, stop stalling."

"Well for starters a large mount of energy followed by no energy at all for a unknown length of time, muscle soreness, muscle spasms, headaches, nauseas-"

"So nothing deadly-"

"You didn't let me finish, as I was saying those are the most common side effects that I have noticed with the lab rats, in some cases there has been heart failure due to blood pumping at a level the heart can't handled followed a very small amount of blood being pumped throughout the body now I'm finished."

"What is wrong with you!"

"You can't pin this on me you were the one who let her get her hands on them!"

"You shouldn't of left them out!"

"Come down your to loud I'm trying to sleep" Black Sheep said huffing. At some point she had climbed into her crib.

"Well at least shes come down" Coach Brunt muttered

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