Part 18

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"I swear if that thing doesn't shut up i'm going to surgically remove her vocal chords and throw them in the ocean!" Dr Bellum yelled smashing her coffee mug all over table.

"Isn't that a bit harsh?" Coach Brunt asked trying to come down the wailing one year old. They had had her for about a week now, the first few days had gone smoothly but two nights ago she started to cry for no apparent reason and had been non stop crying since.

"She's fed, she's clean, we gave her the dolls she's not sick I don't get what's the problem" Professor Maelstrom said annoyed and obviously sleep deprived as he had last nights shift with her.

Black Sheep finally tired herself out a few minutes later falling asleep on Coach Brunt.

"Thank the stars" Countess Cleo said massaging her temples

"It's not too late to send her to an orphanage" Professor Maelstrom suggested.

"No we already made the decision she's stays" Coach Brunt said sternly but not loudly careful to not wake her.

"I'm looking for a nanny but there just aren't any options, no one we've trained, no one from our own class is even capable of caring for a child, it was never a skill needed until know" Dr Bellum said shaking her head.

"Were just not prepared to take care of a baby" Dr Bellum continued.

Coach Brunt woke up it was just a dream she said sighing to herself and went to grab a glass of water drinking it in one shot and sighed again. They were most definitely not ready back then and not know either. Black Sheep was fourteen know and she started to wish she was just a baby again and their biggest concern was why was she crying and if someone had changed her diaper or not.The faculty had no idea how to handle her she wasn't at the age where she wanted to play pretend and play games to be occupied but wasn't old enough and definitely mature enough to be included in VILE.

All Black Sheep ever did it felt like was pull pranks, prank after prank after prank. How did that kid manage to sleep with all of the pranks she pulled it just seemed like their weren't enough hours in the day for her to do it, but it was clear that it was an eternity each day for Blac Sheep.

The faculty were all on their last nerves and fed up of her 'rebellin' as Countess Cleo referred to it even though she was just acting like anyone would at her age at least that's how she did, not necessarily pranks but still the same energy level and mischievousness.

She knew she was going to have to have a talk with her about her behavior and come up with a way to keep her entertained that didn't invlove hiumilating the other tranies and destroying things, maybe she could help the cleaner tear down a wall or something.

Though what she dreaded was knowing what else would come with that tal which she had battled with Bellum over and over again about who would talk to her about it. In the end Coach Brunt had to show her how to deal with her becoming a 'women' such as using tampons and Dr. Bellum would explain why a girl had their period sparing any detiails possible going no father then the period is part of many compets on a women has baby they both decided they would wait off on the whole 'sex thing' until she was older.

They both were a little surprise Black Sheep hadn't gotten it yet but decided to wait until she attually got it to spare as many questions as possible while they still could which they were both fine with, some people were just late bloomers.

Coach Brunt layed back down trying to clear her mind as she fell back asleep, the moment she closed her eyes Black Sheep had opened feeling a horrible pain in her stomach. She quickly got up and ran towards the bathroom thinking she was going to be sick but after several moments of nothing happening she figured it might had been something she ate and tried to use the bathroom, pulling her pants down she noticed a huge red stain imdeinalty. Black Sheep was shocked to open her mouth t first.

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