Part 31

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"What are you doing up Bellum?"

"I could ask the same for you." Dr. Bellum said though she had a good guess it had something to do with the two-year-old in her hands."

"I think Black Sheep had a nightmare she's really spooked, I'm just walking her around to try and get her to fall back asleep." Coach Brunt said .

"Your all are up to?"

"I waited until the last minute to grade papers" Countess Cleo grumbled.

Malstrom snorted, "You always wait until the last minute my dear Countess."

"Your one  to talk Gunnar your up for the same exact reason." Countess Cleo said with a huff.

"First time we've all been up and it wasn't because all of us woke up to Black Sheep's screams"

Countess Cleo huffed ignoring the comment, I can't stand grading these papers the tranies handwriting is absolutely awful I can't tell if this is a I or an l etheir way it doesn't make a word."

Dr. Bellum walked over, "That's a d they didn't connect the loop so it looks like it was a c."

"Coach Brunt for once I admire your choice of career,you were smart to know that you would' have to grade these awful papers."

"What are you blabbering on about I still got to put grades in and do the occasional written test just like the rest of ya, and I for one agree the hand writing is ridiculous "

"Well to be fair for most of the operatives English is not their first language we require them to all learn it as well as one other language of their choice to make it easier to communicate as well as it's good for when their in the field."

"I know I work here to Bellum, speaking of learning languages what are we gonna do when Black Sheep starts talking more what language are we gonna start out with?"

"That's a good question, though I would think the answer is obvious, she is use to us speaking in English and considering it's a harder launage to learn as a second lauange I think it would be best to start out with. When she's four or five we can start with the basics of Spanish and Chinese." Dr. Bellum said as she started to make a pot of coffee.

"I understood your reasoning for wanting to start her off with Spanish, but shouldn't we focus her on at a time, I mean she would still be  learning how to read and write." Countess Cleo said after a moment.

"I see where you come from but if we teach multiple languages to her while she is young it will be easier as she gets older. I've already started on making lesson plans for when she turns three, I'll start her off learning English, Spanish, Chinese, and French alphabet. When she gets vocab words she'll have to know them in all four languages."

"Dr. Bellum, you can't expect her to-"

"Let me stop you right there studies have shown that-"

"I don't care what studies have shown your gonna overwhelm her, start off with English and some math and let her get to a third grade level in each and then around five introduce her to Spanish and maybe another language." Countess Cleo said.

"Or we can treat her like the kid she is and teach her stuff at a normal rate." Coach Brunt said.

"Not happening, I'm not going to allow that child to be as dumb as some of our operatives are if it's up to me which is I'm going to make sure she has an education that will let her be at a college level by the time she is twelve."

"That or you'll melt her brain-"

"That's not possible-"

"Look Bellum, believe me I get you want to make sure Black Shepp grows up to be smart, I do to, but if she's always studying and doesn't have any time to play she's not gonna turn out good, she won't have any back bone or anything you really want her to grow up and be the nerd of her class?"

"I- you- alright fine I'll make sure she has time to play, though this will put her several months behind plans."

"I'm fine with that as long as I can understand what she writes" Countess Cleo said.

"Here here" Malstrom said holding up his coffee mug.

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