Chapter 1Or at least the beginning

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Ashley's POV

        I looked out the window while the car drove on. My brother Andy was sitting next to me, chatting endlessly about a book series which made no sense. Outside it was dark. That was strange, I could've sworn it was noon a second ago. Maybe it was my ADHD. I don't know. The car-stopped abruptly, and my brother face planted into the front seat. I would've laughed if I hadn't done the same, and I peeled myself off the seat. I groaned, and Andy complained, "What? Are we there yet?" I glared at him, mostly because that sentence was getting annoying, like Let It Go was. In the driver's seat, I looked over and my eyes widened. "Mom...?"

Andy's POV

        What the heck happened to Mom?! She just freaking turned into, like, something, like, a drakon! Like, from the myths! And I really gotta stop saying like! And I just said it again, but whatever! Anyways, back to drakon-mom. The green scales glinted, and the greenish-reddish eyes stared at me. Ashley blanched next to me. The drakon reared, ready to bite, and I would've just stayed there, my jaw somewhere underneath my feet, if I didn't somehow disappear.

I just wrote that much to see how people like it. I'm just a little nervous and shaken by me moving, so I just want to see how much people like it.
I'm not a good writer, and I hope people could tell me their opinion on this... Please?

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