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Zahra walked out of the closet in a blue dress, her heels clicking against the floor before she stopped in front of the vanity.

Adjusting her eyelash extension, she pushed the glass bangles through her wrists.

"Are you ready?" Ammar asked walking into the room and she felt her heart skipping a beat.

He looked up from his phone not hearing any response and ran his eyes over her.

"Wow, it looks great on you," he made his way to her, a small smile pulled up on her lips before she tugged a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"And you look breathtaking," she didn't dare look up knowing he was just a step away.

His cologne filling up her nostrils, and she felt her throat running dry.

"Thank you," she sucked in a deep breath, turning to pick up her hijab and wrapped it around her head.

He kept staring at her concentrated face. Her blue eyes contrast against her dress. Her eyelids filled with golden shade in the middle, her lips nude, her cheekbones highlighted, and a hint of blush over the apple of her cheeks.

She really looked breathtaking.

"Why are you staring at me?" She chuckled turning her eyes to him and he blinked shaking his head and slipped his arms through his blue suit jacket.

His smile widened seeing both of them twinning.

"This is so cliché," he muttered pocketing his wallet and phone and she nodded.

"Mahnoor is going to tease the hell out of me," she mumbled, picking her clutch when something clicked in his mind.

"Wait, wait. I have something for you," he disappeared into the closet while she frowned sitting on the bed and tightening the strap of her heels.

He came out biting the corner of his lip and kneeled in front of her.

"What is it?" She asked with her frown deepening. Her heart beats getting fastened.

He smiled nervously opening his fist and it was a small golden chain.

She stared at it confused before he raised his brows slightly.

"Can I?" He gestured towards her leg and Zahra nodded meekly.

He pulled her feet on his knee and wrapped the anklet around her ankle with a smile playing on his lips while she got goosebumps at his cold hands brushing against her warm skin.

He pulled back admiring the beauty of it on its owner and stood up holding his hand out for her.

"Let's go?" She stood up taking a deep breath after what felt like an eternity.

They stepped inside the banquet looking around for their family and found them in front of the stage. The hall wasn't filled much now.

Greeting the family they settled beside Dado chatting with her.

"You both look amazing together," Dado said with a glint in her hazel browns.

"That we do," he passed her a cheeky smile, sitting on the armrest of her couch.

"Hello," Mahnoor joined them shortly with a teasing smile on her face and Zahra groaned internally.

"Hi," he muttered looking around and she smiled wider.

"Nano, guess who is twinning here?" She sat beside her granny who only chuckled.

Ammar raised his brows and Zahra bit her inner cheeks as a smile threatened to slip out.

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