36- AA Emergency Meeting

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     As lunchtime with Mason in his office approached on Tuesday, Caroline felt herself grow anxious. Mason continued to assure her that things were fine, but Sophia was still around and the news about them had not come out yet. Even Chris, over Sunday lunch, had insisted that Caroline needed to trust Mason and not worry so much. The time with Stephanie had flown by, and she had been a tremendous encouragement and help to get her through the weekend. Facing the new week and seeing Sophia back around the office, however, somehow made things seem more hopeless.

     When she entered Mason's office for their lunch, he was all smiles with Sophia sitting close by and chatting him up.

     He looked at his watch and then to Caroline, his smile turning more serious. "That time already?" He stood up from his desk chair. "Sophia, enjoy your afternoon with Jen. I'll see you tonight." Once she was out the door he called Megan and requested their food be brought in, then he guided Caroline to the sofa. "How has your day been Peaches?"

     She forced a smile. "Fine, I guess."

     Mason studied her face. "Are you tired? Maybe you pushed yourself too much by playing tennis with Brad and your two students after mentoring last night."

     Caroline shook her head. "No. That was fine, but I didn't sleep well last night. Don't worry, I'll be okay."

     Grabbing her hands he hesitated before moving on with the conversation. "We definitely need to get you and Zoe together with Trevor and me soon. I'm jealous that you've done things with Brad and his student twice now."

     "Well it wouldn't be a good thing right now since you said we're not supposed to be seen together, but, yeah, I've thought the same thing."

     As they chatted, Mason wrapped an arm around Caroline and began to anxiously tap his foot.

     Caroline placed and hand on his knee to stop him. "Are you okay?" Inside she worried that he was working up the nerve to break up with her for good.

     "It's all of this stuff with Sophia and her family," he said nervously. "I'll be able to tell you more soon enough."

     Megan brought in their lunch before Caroline could respond, which was fine with her because she really didn't know what to say anymore on that topic. As they ate, her eyes roamed his face, memorizing every last detail as if she may never have the opportunity again once the Sophia situation went public. Her gaze lingered on his eyes. They had hooked her the moment she saw him up close the first time. Even when he frustrated her to no end before they started dating, his eyes had drawn her in. That beautiful ocean blue that seemed to reach into the depths of her heart and had instantly felt like home, so familiar and comforting, even when he was glaring at her. She couldn't imagine not being able to stare into those eyes. It hurt to think about.

     "Caroline. Caroline?" Mason waved his hands in front of her face. Are you alright? You seemed to have zoned out there for a minute."

     Caroline blinked then looked down as she blushed, realizing she had been staring at him. "Um. Yeah, I'm fine."

     "I was asking if you had spoken with your brother and sister lately. You haven't mentioned them in a while."

     "Oh, Julia is doing good. Staying busy with sorority stuff. I haven't heard from James in a few weeks though. He's not returned my calls or messages. I'm actually a little worried about him."

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