8- AA Birthday

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     Caroline woke up to the smell of french toast wafting through the air and grabbed her phone to turn off the alarm. Just as she shut it off, her door flew open causing her to jump and drop her phone in the process.

     "Happy birthday roomie!" Lexi shouted while carrying a tray with french toast, fruit, and milk.

     "Oh my gosh! I've got the best roommate!" Caroline gushed as she recovered from the scare and hugged Lexi.

     "So, don't forget we have dinner reservations at 7 tonight with Jill."

     She nodded as she took in all the food set before her. "No problem. Mason should be done with our tour long before then."

     Lexi wiggled her eyebrows at her roommate and stretched out on the bed. "Sooo...how is that going?"

     Caroline smiled and rolled her eyes. "I don't know. I'm still getting mixed messages from him. We'll be having a great time and he'll seem so sweet, then out of the blue he gets cold and distant. I'm not sure what to make of it."

     "Do you think he's uncomfortable getting involved with an employee?"

     "Maybe. I'm a bit nervous about it too. When I'm with him, though, it just seems so natural.      You know, comfortable even though we haven't known each other long. I can feel the chemistry between us. It's hard to explain."

     "Well, there's plenty of time to figure things out. If it's meant to be, he'll be worth the wait."

     "I guess. I have to keep reminding myself of that."

     "Okay, birthday girl. I'll leave you to eat and get ready." Another hug and Lexi was off.

     By the time Caroline was ready for work, she had received calls or texts from her parents, Stephanie, and John. John reminded her that he was coming in tomorrow for training at the Augusta office. She knew that he was interested in more than friendship, but it was becoming clear that something might be happening with Mason, at least on her part. The more she thought about it, starting a long distance relationship right now didn't seem appealing, so she probably needed to let John down gently during their visit. That was something she always felt uncomfortable doing. Of course it had happened too many times over the last few years, telling a guy it wasn't going to work out after only a few dates. The main reason was her fear of being hurt, which kept her from getting too far into relationships ever since Jason cheated on her over four years ago. Something seemed different with Mason. It drew her on in spite of her fears. It gave her hope.


     Entering Smith Holdings, Caroline was greeted with a "Happy birthday" by Laura, the receptionist.

     Up on the fourth floor Megan held out a plate of homemade cranberry orange scones with clotted cream. "Happy birthday, Caroline!"

     So far it seemed she would be well sugared up for the day. How can you say no when someone has made it especially for you?

     "Thank you Megan," Caroline smiled as she grabbed a scone and spread some cream on it. "Oh my!," she mumbled with a hand over her mouth while chewing the heavenly goodness, "This is delicious, and very impressive. You made them yourself? You'll have to share the recipe." She envisioned herself making them with the new mixer Mason had given her.

     Head down and focused on completing as much work as possible in her short 3 hour day, Caroline heard a knock on her door that pulled her from her thoughts.

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