4- AA Goodbyes

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     Thursday morning came way too early. Caroline had been busy packing Wednesday afternoon when she was back from Augusta, and didn't finish until 11 pm. Thankfully the night before, she had finished with most of her clothes and accessories, and they would pick up her furniture from the storage warehouse on the way out of town Saturday.

     At work all of the interns were told they would have wrap up sessions all day Thursday and Friday. For most of the summer they had been working in separate departments, so Caroline was excited to have extra time with everyone before she left and they all went their separate ways.

     After sitting down in the conference room, an intern named John sat to her right. He had that handsome boy next door look with his clean cut brown hair, and friendly green eyes. Caroline admired him and had heard good things about his work, but they had not had much of a chance to get to know one another.

     "So you got the Augusta job," he stated. "How do you think you'll like it?"

     "It seems like it will be great. Everyone was super nice and welcoming there when I visited. Also I was born in Augusta and lived there until  just before I turned 10, so I'm excited about the chance to go back."

     "That's great. I'm the one that got the Atlanta job."


     "Yeah. I'm pretty stoked about it. I have to admit during the internship I always felt like you were my competition for the job. The department heads were always talking about you, and a few times I saw the Vice President here from Augusta watching you. So I want to apologize for being standoffish. You always seemed like a really nice person, and now I wish that I had given you a chance and tried to get to know you earlier."

     Caroline was caught off guard with John's confession, but in her usual positive manner she tried to encourage him. "Well, we can be long distance friends now, and encourage each other as we start our new positions."

     "True," John said as he raised an eyebrow and his mouth pulled into a crooked grin. "Here, give me your phone."

     "What?" She said looking confused, while she pulled her phone from her pocket.

     John grabbed her phone and started typing, "There you've got my number now and just texted me yours."

     Caroline chuckled, "Okay, so you're going to keep in touch?"

     "Yeah. We can compare how things are at the two offices, and maybe help each other," he grinned. "Also they're sending me to Augusta next week for some training. I don't know the day, but I'll let you know. We can hang out and you can show me around."

     "Sounds like a plan. Of course I'm still figuring out my way around. It's amazing that I lived there so long as a child and yet have no concept of where everything is. I guess when I was a kid I really didn't pay attention to directions."

     "I think most kids don't. I'm sure you'll have it figured out in no time," John chuckled.

     "Yeah, thanks to the gps on my phone," she laughed.



     When Caroline entered the living room at home that night she was caught completely off guard by her family and some friends. "What's going on?"

     "It's your going away and early birthday party! You had mentioned the interns doing something tomorrow night, so this is your last free night before you leave, Darling," her dad said.

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