24- AA Labor Day Weekend Part 4

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     The sand was firm underneath Caroline's feet where the tide had moved out and there was a light breeze. With arms around each other Mason and Caroline strolled down the beach, listening to the sound of the waves brushing against the shore. Just as the sun was just peaking over the horizon, Caroline pulled out her phone to snap a photo. Mason grinned, then nabbed her phone and turned them both around, for a selfie, or three. On the last one he turned and kissed her on the cheek causing her to smile and her heart to ease.

     "Stay there," Mason said as he backed up to take her photo with the sun at her back.

     Further down the beach, he reached down in the sand. When he raised back up, he handed Caroline a sand dollar.

     "Oh wow! An unbroken one. I don't think I've ever found one." She paused and chuckled, "My elementary school boyfriend brought me back one from the beach one summer, and I think that's the last complete sand dollar I've had."

     "Good. I'm glad it's still something special for you, and I can be the second to give you one." He grabbed her hand and pulled her close.

     When the sun had completely risen, they turned back and sat on the towels they had laid out. The breeze was getting a bit nippy now that they had stopped moving. Caroline sensed that Mason was nervous.

     Mason pulled Caroline's hand up and kissed it, then put his arm around her to warm her up. "I'm sorry about the way things have been since Jessica got here. The thing is, I feel guilty about what she's going through, like it's my fault. When she left two years ago, I had not treated her well, and I said a lot of things that I shouldn't have. She wouldn't have even left if it wasn't for the way I acted. She got into that relationship with Caleb because of me. I've got to help her fix things. She was there for me through the years. I can't just abandon her, especially when I caused it." He looked at her and tried to read her expression, but her stoic face didn't reveal anything. "Please be patient with me."

     Caroline hesitated, looked down at the sand, then started dragging her finger through it. It's not what she wanted, but she understood his need to fix a problem he felt responsible for. She wanted to say it was okay, but it didn't feel okay. Mason lifted her chin to force her to look at him, and when she stared into the depths of his blue eyes she wanted to agree to anything he asked of her. Still she held her tongue.

     "You mean more to me than you can imagine; I can't lose you...but I need to do this." Mason's look was earnest, and he could sense her hesitation. "I know you struggle with trust, but please trust me."

     Caroline's breathing slowed. She knew if she didn't give him the chance to do what he felt was right for Jessica, he would always resent her for it. She finally nodded, and Mason pulled her into a hug.

     He stroked her hair and whispered, "I...thank you. You and I will be fine, I promise. I need to show Jessica that I'm here for her. I don't want her to feel like she's an imposition on our lives. But you are more important to me. Please don't let the present circumstances cloud that."

     Unable to speak without crying, Caroline nodded again. She dreaded seeing how this would play out.


     After spending the morning helping Amanda and Izzy bake chocolate chip cookies, then swimming, Mason, Caroline, Chris, and Stephanie walked the beach to find people for the afternoon volleyball match. With the four of them, a group of eight college guys staying a few houses down, three college girls, a family of four, and some other random people, they managed to gather 28 people.

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