44- AA Take A Chance

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     "Just so you know, dear, Mason will be staying at our house tonight," Caroline's mother announced, just before her parents left the hospital the next day. They had already said their "goodbye's" and "thank you's" to Brad when he left for Augusta.

     "Mom! Mason can stay at the hotel. It doesn't cost him anything."

     "I know dear, but it's just the hospitable thing to do. I don't know what happened to make you so determined to keep Mason out of your life, but I think you need to talk to him about it. He seems to care for you more than I think you realize."

     "Yeah, maybe," Caroline conceded, but her mom gave her a stern look as if to say, "I mean it." "I do plan to talk to him. You're right, he deserves it. I just think you're overestimating his feelings for me."

     "That's all I ask, Honey, is that you give him a chance." Her mom clasped her hands around her daughters and gave a firm squeeze. "You're wise to be careful with your heart, but sometimes you have to take a chance. Even if that means there's a possibility of getting hurt."

     That was the kicker, not getting hurt. Caroline frowned and looked at her mom.

     "One day you'll look back on this time of your life and realize how much you grew and how strong you became. Trust yourself to move forward and trust God to direct you, Caroline. You are a strong young woman; even if the worst happens, you won't break. You will pull through with God's strength, and the support of your friends and family. I love you dear, and am so proud of you."

     Tears began to pool in Caroline's eyes and she supressed a grin, "Mom, you're making your grown daughter cry."


     It was hard to watch someone you love cry over a broken heart. Caroline and Julia sat on either side of James as he wept and spoke about seeing Serena walking across campus holding another guys hand only a week after they had broken off their year and a half relationship. It was cold of Serena, and Caroline ached for her brother, but was disappointed that he had turned to alcohol as a solution for his pain.

     Caroline stroked his arm. "I'm so sorry. I know it's hard and seems like the pain will never end, but after Jason, I can assure you that each day it will get easier." It will still leave scars though, she thought, considering the difficulties she's had with trust. That would not be the best thing to bring up to him now, or maybe ever. Hopefully he would heal more fully than she had.

     "We're here for you," Julia encouraged. "Don't ever feel like you can't talk to one of us. Just don't let it get to something like this again, okay? I don't know what I'd do without you."

     There was a knock on the door frame and the three looked towards the open door. "Hey guys," Mason greeted, then looked towards James. "It's good to see you sitting up and talking today."

     James looked at him reservedly. "Were you here yesterday?" Mason nodded. "Thanks man for coming by."

     Mason had a bundle of get well soon balloons that he held out. "I brought these for you. How about I set them over here so they aren't in your way." He motioned to a counter across the room.

     "Sure. I'm surprised you came all the way to Atlanta for me."

     Shifting on his feet, Mason smiled awkwardly. "I, uh, wanted to be a support for Caroline, and also I was worried about you."

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