22- AA Labor Day Weekend Part 2

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     Caroline woke to a text coming in on her phone and groggily looked at the message. Seeing that it was Mason she smiled.

Mason: Good morning beautiful. Please come down and eat breakfast with me. We leave in thirty minutes for golf and I don't want to wait until after lunch to see you.

Caroline: Give me five minutes.


     "Hey." Mason turned around from the stove and pulled Caroline into a hug. "I made us eggs, avocado toast, and we also have fruit." He pointed to the bowl of leftover berries from the day before.

     "Aww. You cooked me breakfast." Caroline grinned and glanced around. "Where is everybody?"

     "Mom and Dad already ate, and they're in their room. Dad's getting ready. Chris isn't much of a breakfast eater, so he'll probably grab a breakfast bar to eat on the way."

     "Mmm. This is delicious," commented Caroline as she sat down on a stool at the island and tucked into the eggs. "Thank you."

     Mason scooted a stool closer to Caroline's, and wrapped an arm around her. "I'm glad you like it. Are you feeling better now that you've rested? You were so quiet last night."

     "I slept well thanks." Caroline avoided the "feeling better" part of the question. "Mason?"

     "Hmm?" he said as he swallowed a mouthful of avocado toast.

     Caroline knew what she wanted to ask, but felt awkward actually saying it. She stared at her plate, then slowly began, "Why haven't you ever kissed me? On the lips?"

    Mason took a sip of water, then grabbed Caroline's chin and turned her head so she had to look at him. "Caroline." His brow was furrowed and he looked into her eyes. "Don't ever think that I don't want to kiss you. It's a battle not to. I wanted to even before we started dating.... The problem is that with my sexual past, I know that if I start, I won't be able to resist going further with you. You've said you're waiting until marriage, and I've told you that I am not going to be sexually active before marriage anymore either. I'm trying to be careful for us both. Does that make sense?"

     "I-I guess." She shrugged, overwhelmed by what he had said, and looked away, even though he still held her chin.

     He began to caress her chin with his thumb, and then moved to her lips. His eyes followed, then he placed his hands on her shoulders and pressed his forehead against hers. "It will be worth the wait." Lifting up he kissed her on the forehead, then pulled back and smirked. "I'm glad it bothers you. At least I know you are feeling some of what I'm feeling. I love being with you and spending time with you, but I'm also really attracted to you Caroline." He lifted her hand and kissed her palm while keeping his eyes on hers. "Be patient, it will all come in time."

     Caroline sighed and felt like her heart was beating out of her chest. It was more than she could have hoped for him to say, and it alleviated her worries, but at the same time his bluntness about his feelings left her feeling somewhat nervous. That was something that she had not dealt with in her whole time of knowing Mason.

     As they finished up, Mason pulled Caroline into a long hug. "I'll miss you, but I need to have this time with the guys, and it will be good for you to have time with the girls. Are you excited about learning to water ski this afternoon?"

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