38- AA Just Breathe

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     Amazingly, after typing the email to Mason in the middle of the night, she was able to fall asleep. It wasn't that she wanted to leave Augusta, quite the opposite, but somehow making a decision helped to settle her. When her alarm went off at 6:30 she went straight to the email to make sure it went through, then hopped in the shower while trying to push the email out of her mind.

     On the way up to her office, a couple of ladies stopped Caroline to comment on the mentoring program and thank her for all of her work with it. One of them, Harper, told her she should join them for lunch sometime. She smiled and said something noncommittal, all the while groaning inside at the irony that this was happening on the day she sent her email requesting a relocation.

     Mason's door was closed as she passed it, which seemed to always be the case whenever they had an issue. She wondered what he thought of her email, especially since he had asked her not to make a decision yet.

     Megan looked up and noticed the way Caroline was staring at Mason's door. "He's in a meeting with Michael. Do you want me to call him, or let him know that you need him when he's done?"

     "Oh no, neither." Caroline forced a smile. She would wait until he responded to her email. The ball was in his court now.

     An hour later Megan called her to say that Mason was requesting her to his office. Caroline tensed up and steeled herself as she went. As soon as she withdrew her hand from knocking, his door flew open and she was greeted with an angry Mason. He waved her towards one of the guest chairs on the opposite side of the desk from his work chair.

     Mason took a breath to speak, but then paused and looked away. She could see the muscles in his jaw clench and unclench. After a minute, he started again. "Caroline, I asked you to wait until we could talk this through before making a decision, did I not?"

     She nodded, but said nothing.

     He stared at her, looking frustrated. "I do not plan to move you away-" Caroline tried to interrupt, but he held up a hand and continued. "You are needed here at this location." He then let her speak.

     "I'm sorry, but I can't work so closely with you. I-I feel like I need some space."

     "Can't or won't."

     "Does it matter? I don't think our relationship is healthy."

     Mason shot her a confused look, then rallied. "I can see that you don't trust me right now, so I have talked with Michael and he can use you in his department. There is an office next to his. You will have your space. Will that suffice?" His voice was cold and distant.

     Caroline was caught off guard by the offer. "I, uh, I'd like some time to think it over. Please." He was being so formal with her that she didn't know how understanding he would be if she said more. In spite of the fact that she was trying to end things with him, it still hurt that he was acting like that.

     "Until this afternoon." Mason stood up and walked to his door to open it, signaling that they meeting was over. "Before you leave the office today I want your answer," he added as she passed him.


     For lunch Caroline had Megan order her something so she could stay in. She locked her office, asked Megan to make sure she had no interruptions, and spent the whole time eating, praying, and thinking through her options. If she didn't accept the job in accounting, she could resign and find a job in Atlanta. It might take her a while, and she would need to live with her parents at first. She'd also be leaving all of her new friends, including her roommate. Or she could take the job Mason offered, stay in Augusta where she's started to make a life for herself, but she would have to see Mason with Jessica. Either way she didn't want to tell her parents about what she discovered in his diary. It was his business, there was enough going on with them having to keep things a secret that hopefully her parents would guess that was why there was a problem. Caroline rubbed her face and laid her head on the desk. She felt numb, as if she was someone else looking in on her life. What a mess. At least today the tears had stopped.

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