25- AA Labor Day Weekend Part 5

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Monday Continued:

     Stephanie immediately went into best friend mode, with one arm around Caroline, and the other petting her hair. Once Caroline finally seemed to calm down, she spoke softly, "So let me see if I've got this straight? That Wes guy was hanging around and flirting with you all afternoon-"

     "Well, I wouldn't exactly say flirting," Caroline huffed. "He was being friendly."

     "Whatever, not really the point, but after what he said just before leaving, I can say yes he had previously meant it to be flirting. Anyway, meanwhile Mason was busy and distracted with the tournament. Then Jessica shows up and more than flirts, as she throws herself at him and hangs on him for the rest of the afternoon, but he never turns her away or discourages her. Other people not just Wes, based on what I saw and heard commented, assume she is his girlfriend. Then when Wes makes his intentions clear, Mason gets angry. Have I got it about summarized."

     Shrugging and sighing, Caroline mumbles, "I guess."

     "So in the conversation during sunrise this morning he begged you to allow him to 'be there' for Jessica, and you reluctantly agreed, but then there were no parameters set?"

     "Yeah... no there weren't. I don't know what I was thinking. I couldn't say no. But now that I see it played out, I know I can't handle it. I'm not going to just sit around while Jessica reminds him of all that she has meant to him through the years, until he dumps me and takes her back. It's too painful to even think about, much less watch in living color."

     "So you're saying you want to end it with him?"

     Caroline stared at her friend, and as the realization swept over her, tears started rolling down her face. "I guess so." Her hands covered her face and the gentle trickle became a full blown sob. When it finally eased up she spoke, "I don't understand. How can I feel this way. We've only been together a few weeks. It shouldn't hurt this badly. I just.... I really thought we clicked; I thought we had so much potential as a couple." Her voice dropped to a whisper, "I thought he was the one."

     Stephanie pulled her into another hug, and Caroline practically went limp in her arms. When Caroline finally pulled back Stephanie asked if she was going to be able to come down for dinner.

     Caroline blinked and wiped her eyes. "I need to, but I don't want to make a big fuss before I talk to Mason, and ruin their family tradition. I feel like I should talk to him either tonight, or in the morning ." Stephanie nodded. "Also...this is a bit selfish, because I know you are enjoying your time with Chris and it would be an inconvenience for you, but would you be able to drive me home in the morning? I just don't want to be around Jessica any more, and I obviously don't want to be stuck in a car with Mason for two and a half hours after I break up with him."

     "Oh Caroline, absolutely! Don't even feel bad about asking. I only wish I had thought of it first and already offered."

     "Thank you," Caroline whispered trying to stop the onslaught of tears from returning.

     "Why don't I go get you some ice to calm that puffiness around your eyes, if you're still planning on going back down. I do think you should hole up here for a while longer, though, so you can have a chance to calm a bit before facing everyone again. I can message you when it's time to eat. I'll just say you're not feeling well if anyone asks about you." Caroline nodded and smiled softly.


     Showering and icing under her eyes, helped Caroline calm herself before going down to face everyone. She didn't wait for Stephanie's text, and as she entered the kitchen she found dinner preparations in full swing. Not surprisingly, Jessica was next to Mason cutting potatoes, so she looked to the opposite side of the room where Izzy was buttering bread. That seemed like the best place for her at the moment, so she could avoid Mason. "Izzy, may I help you with the bread?" She patted the young girl on the head, and Izzy immediately rewarded her with a huge grin.

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