40- AA Tension

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     Singing on the stage gave Caroline a different perspective than most church goers, and she loved to see the congregation worshipping together. She had already decided that with the way things had been, or not been since Mason seemed to be completely ignoring her for the past week, she should sit with the rest of the worship team when they sat down for the service. It would be too awkward to sit with Mason and his parents. But as she scanned the sanctuary, Mason was no where to be seen. His parents were sitting alone.

     After the service Amanda came up to praise her for the music. "I'm sure you're wondering where Mason is. He, Chris, and Jessica decided to go to the early service so that they could get one of the boats out on the lake at a decent hour today." Seeing how Caroline's face fell she added, "Caroline, please don't worry. He's been all out of sorts without you, and as soon as our people give him the go ahead and he doesn't have to worry about the media, you two will be back better than before."

     Caroline gave her a sad smile, and tried to work out how to respond. "Mason is a great guy. I'm sure it won't be long until he has the woman that he loves."

     "That would be you dear. No need to worry." Amanda gave her a hug and then left.

     It felt like another part of her heart had been ripped away when she heard that he had taken Jessica out to the lake. That combined with zero communication since Monday really hurt. As tempted as she was to go home and crawl in bed, she decided to work out her frustration in the gym after lunch.


     "Princess! I brought you scones and hot tea for breakfast. Or it can be a morning snack if you've already eaten."

     Brad had become a regular visitor to her third floor office. You would never know he didn't work on the same floor. Caroline chuckled at him and took a bite of a scone. "Mmm. I love it."

     "What would you do without me? I'm off." Brad turned towards the door.

     "Thank you. See you at lunch," Caroline called out.

     It was starting out to be a great Tuesday morning, Caroline thought as she sipped her tea and opened her emails. One from Jessica with "Needing your assistance" in the subject line, caught her attention. She was surprised and curious, since she hadn't heard from her since the Sunday they all went to lunch, over a week before.

     "I was hoping you could meet me at 10 am tomorrow in your old office. I'm working on some things and could use some assistance. Bring your laptop. Please let me know if that will work for you by the end of today. Thanks, Jessica"

     It seemed odd that Jessica would want to meet in her old office, and it made Caroline anxious to think about having to pass by Mason's office, but she replied that the time would work for her.


     "Caroline! What are you doing up here?" Megan asked.

     "Jessica said she needed to meet me in my old office. I'm not really sure what about or why here. She seemed to need some help with something."

     "Okay. Well, she's in there. I hope it goes well." Megan had a worried look.

     "Thanks Megan. See you later. You should join Brad and me for lunch."

     "Sure. I can text Michael too."

     "Perfect. I'll ask Jessica how long this will take in case we need to push it to later than our normal 11."

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