7- AA First Day

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     Caroline was torn and confused as she drove to work the next morning. Her night with Mason had ended awkwardly with the almost kiss. Here she was going in for her first official day of work and things were already uncomfortable with her boss. The man that she would be working directly with and had an office next to.

     As she was walking towards the building she heard her phone buzz, and saw that it was a text from John.

John: Have a great first day! I can't wait to compare notes!

     John! How had he slipped her mind? At least with him she wasn't getting mixed messages.

Caroline: Thanks! I hope your day is great too! Looking forward to hearing all about it.

John: :)

     She actually found herself smiling and thinking about something other than Mason. She could do this! "Thanks John," she said to herself, and she really meant it.

     As Caroline exited the elevator on her floor, Mason was in the forefront of her mind again, and she reminded herself that today was a new day. She would be completely professional with Mason, and act like she wasn't bothered by the way he had acted. Hopefully soon enough her feelings would follow.

     "Good morning Miss Henderson! Welcome to your first official day at Smith Holdings," Megan said brightly.

     Caroline smiled back. Megan was definitely helping to ease her tension. "Please call me Caroline," she said as she glanced over at Mason's door and noticed it was closed. Her heart sank a bit. This was going to be harder than she thought, and she hadn't even seen him.

     "I have a schedule for your first day," Megan announced, drawing Caroline's attention back from her thoughts.

     "I've started gathering information about the mentoring program. Contacting schools and other businesses. Mason asked me to go over that with you. After that, at 8:30, there is a breakfast meet and greet for you in the first floor conference room. At 9:30 you'll meet Mason in his office with your laptop. At noon the Director of Corporate Marketing will take you to lunch. When you return from lunch, you will join Mason for his two afternoon meetings. The first begins at 2," Megan said as she handed Caroline a copy of the schedule.

     Megan had gone with Caroline to the meet and greet to introduce her to the other employees. Mr. Smith had even come by to check on how her first day was going. The staff was all very friendly and welcoming, but Caroline couldn't help but notice one particular person never made an appearance. Mason.

     She was beginning to dread going to his office to work with him. The more he seemed to avoid her that morning, the more uncomfortable she felt.

     When she couldn't avoid it any longer, Caroline knocked on Mason's door.

     "Come in."

     "Good morning Mr. Smith," Caroline stated plainly.

     "Good morning Caroline. I've asked you to call me Mason," he responded firmly.

     "I thought maybe you had changed your mind," Caroline shrugged. He seemed to be changing the way he was treating her, why wouldn't he change that too, she thought.

     Mason held her gaze. "No Caroline, I wouldn't change that," he smiled genuinely at her. "Please come sit down," he pointed to one of the guest chairs in front of his desk.

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