31- AA Unveiled

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     The past week had flown by with all of the preparations for the fundraiser in addition to other work duties. Thankfully by Tuesday Caroline's ankle was feeling much better, and now it felt completely back to normal. Good thing, since she had been on her feet most of the day running around, and soon would be wearing killer heals for the ball.

     Lexi was was busy helping Caroline get dressed and fix her hair. "Caroline! You look absolutely stunning. Mason is going to want to propose to you when he sees you."

     "Thank you, but let's not get ahead of ourselves." Caroline chuckled. "We've only been dating a couple of months." Her mind immediately went to the conversation with Jessica the week before when she said Mason had convinced his last girlfriend that he was going to marry her. But as Brad had said, he broke things off with her several months before Jessica arrived. Caroline didn't like where her mind was going, and she refused to let herself think such thoughts. This night was too important for the mentoring program, and she had promised herself she would trust Mason.

     "You know what I mean. He's never going to want to let you go. And I remember some of the fierce looks you described him having early on; I'd say he'll be glaring every man who looks twice at you tonight."


     When Caroline walked into the living room, Mason's jaw dropped, then a giant grin emerged. "You look even more gorgeous than I remember in that dress!"

     "Well thank you! You look extremely handsome yourself," Caroline responded as she assessed her handsome boyfriend in his perfectly fitted tux. It was hard to resist his charm.

     He walked up to her with his hands behind his back and leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "Peaches, those pearls look beautiful on you, but I picked something out especially for you to wear with this dress."

     "Oh really?" Caroline flushed at the sound of him calling her by the nickname, and her eyebrows went up as she touched her hand to her grandmother's pearls that he had restrung.

     Mason presented Caroline with a square jewelry box, and she watched as he opened it to reveal a beautiful teardrop emerald pendant necklace on an adjustable gold chain. The emerald was surrounded with what looked like tiny diamonds. There were matching earrings in the box as well. Fake or not, the set was gorgeous and would be perfect with her dress.

     "Mason! These are perfect! Thank you!" She pulled him into a hug and kissed him on the cheek. "You are always so thoughtful. These really are beautiful."

     "The dress was a gift from the office, but I wanted to get you something special from me for tonight." He handed her the box and removed the pearl necklace from her neck, then gently replaced it with the emerald necklace. Next he moved to the earrings and whispered, "You are going to turn every head in the place." He stepped back and smiled. "Caroline, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I am so proud of you, and can't wait to show you off on my arm. The compassion you've shown for these kids with this program, and the diligence you've put into making it come together...you are beyond compare."

     Caroline blushed and when she saw the look in his eyes, her whole body heated up. How could she ever doubt him. He looked so sincere, and so...in love. Was it possible that he was feeling the same way she was? Could she be the one who finally helped him move from his past? Tonight, in this moment, it seemed like it really was possible.


     "Princess, everything looks great!" He leaned forward to whisper, "Including you." Then stepped back again. "You did a great job." Brad was one of the first to arrive to the ball with Jessica close by his side. When Mason turned him down about letting Brad accompany Caroline, Mason suggested he take Jessica, and he decided to follow through with that.

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