39- AA Broken

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     The sight of Smith Holdings headquarters building had always excited Caroline, but today it brought on a feeling of foreboding. It's funny how a change in circumstance can alter your perception. Caroline walked towards the building and whispered to herself some of the Matthew 6 scripture that she had memorized the night before. "Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life ... Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"

     "Princess! How was your weekend?" Brad inquired as she approached the front doors.

     I can do this, Caroline thought as she pasted on a smile. "It was good."

     Brad held the door for Caroline. "Did you get to spend time with Zoe?"

     "Yeah. I did."

     "When are we getting the kids back together for tennis?"

     Caroline's face brightened. "I'll check with Zoe tonight and get back with you." She no longer had to feel guilty about Zoe not getting a chance to know Mason, and her schedule was now more open so tennis would be a perfect way to fill her time. And hopefully distract her mind as well.

     When the elevator opened, they both entered and Brad pushed the fourth floor button for Caroline. "I'll escort you to your office." He winked.

     Caroline shook her head and pushed the third floor button. She gathered her courage before speaking. "Thanks. I can't believe I'm starting a new position today." She hoped she sounded cheerful about it. "I thought it would be good to try something else out. My minor was in accounting after all."

     "Good for you for being willing to try different things out." Brad grinned. "It's my lucky day that I get to escort you on your first day of your new job."

     Caroline couldn't help but smile. "Thanks for helping it get off to a great start!"

     After Brad dropped Caroline off in her new office, she checked in with Michael. He went through a checklist of what would be expected in this role, and she was glad she was already familiar with all of the of the software they used. A couple of hours later, Michael introduced Caroline to everyone in accounting. She had met them all before when she started working in Augusta, but had not worked with anyone other than Michael in accounting. Kathy, the accounting secretary, seemed to be a lot of fun and Caroline was thankful to have someone like her in the department.

     When she stepped back into her office, there was a beautiful bouquet of flowers on her desk. As she reached for the card her heart raced and she wondered if they were from Mason. He usually sent Gerber Daisies, but had on occasion given her other flowers.

     Princess, I hope your day is still going great! Accounting is my new favorite department. Brad

     Caroline was simultaneously disappointed and touched. She texted Brad thanks and then opened her laptop.

     Accounting came easily for Caroline and she enjoyed the simplicity of numbers, although she could already tell she would miss the creativity she was able to use in her previous position. At least here she wouldn't have the pain of seeing Mason constantly. Hopefully this would be a huge step in helping her let go. At 10:45 Michael called her and requested that she come to his office at 11 to leave for lunch.

     Standing in Michael's office were Brad and Megan. "We wanted to hear what you think of your new job, so we're joining you for lunch," Megan blurted out.

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