What if...(1) ending 1

Start from the beginning

She starts crying and it breaks MJ's heart. MJ carries a wreath out of the house to an audience waiting outside for the intimate funeral. Amina and MJ lay the wreath on the lake. On top of the wreath is Peter's original mask which MJ framed with the words,' With great power comes great responsiblity' embedded on it. MJ, Amina, Pepper, Tony, & Ned, standing in the docks all being joined by Steve Rogers, Rhodey, Loki, Natasha, Thor, Bruce, Doctor Strange, Wong, Scott Lang, Hope, Janet, Hank , Peter Quill, Nebula, Rocket, Groot, Drax, Mantis, T'Challa, Okoye, Shuri, Clint & his family, Wanda Maximoff, Bucky, Sam, Secretary Ross, Hill, Carol, and Fury, silently watching the wreath float away.

MJ stands up from the dock and walks into the cabin. Everyone from there disperses. Tony ends up sitting next to amina. "How you doing squirt?" He asked her. "Good." She whispered. "You good? Okay. You hungry?" She nods. "Mmmm-hmmm." "What do you want." She thinks about it. "Cherry Pie." He smiled. "You know your dad liked cherry pie? I'll get you all the cherry pie in the world."

"Are you my grandpa?" She asked him. He nodded. "Daddy wouldn't let me play with your helmate." She said. "He wouldn't. How about I build you your own?" Her face lit up. "Really?" He nodded. "Really." She grabbed his arm and went to find her mom who was talking to pepper. "Mommy! Grandpa said He would build me a helmate like his." Pepper looked at him. "Really now?" She said giving him the look. "Not til she's older ofcourse." Pepper nodded in approval. Amina looked at her mom's stomach. "There's a baby in there?" She asked. "Yes. Your little sibling." She smiled. "Awesome." She said. 

Soon enough it was nightfall and everyone was too tired to go home. "My house cannot fit all of you. Grab some blankets. Tony and pepper you have a room. There are 2 guest rooms. Everyone else fight for the couch. Figure it out. Come on Amina lemme tuck you in." MJ said. She grabbed amina and tony and pepper followed her. The rest of the avengers raced for the guest room. 

Fury got one and Shuri got the other leaving the rest of them to grab blankets and lay across the floor. It was silent in the cabin most of the night. Light snores filled the air. Amina couldn't sleep and went downstairs. She saw a mop of hair sitting at the holotable and thought it was her father. "Daddy?" She called. Tony turned his head hearing the voice.

She looked sad. "Oh. It's just you." Tony turned all the way around. "What are you doing up little missy?" She shrugged. "I can't sleep. Everytime I close my eyes I see his face. And then I wake up and he's not there. I just miss him so much." She sighed. "Sorry to disappoint kiddo." She sits on the stairs.

"Want a juice pop?" Tony recalled MJ saying how much the kid loved them. She shakes her head no. "What do you want?" She sniffles. "I want my daddy. He promised he would be back and he's not even here. I miss him." She cries. Tony come and picks her up and takes her outside and they sit on the docks.

She looks at him and he dries her eyes. "Look up sweetheart." She looks up. "You know what those are?" She nods. "They're stars." He smiled. "Well you see that really bright one up next to the north star." She nods. "That's your daddy. And he is watching over you right now. He wouldn't want you to cry would he?" She shakes her head no.

"Then why are you crying?" She shrugs. "Come on I'll tell you a story about him only if you promise to go to bed right after." She nods and they go back inside and he gets her a juice pop. "Once when your daddy was 15 him and I were in my lab. He was very very tired and was trying to mix some chemicals. He grabbed the wrong ones and mixed them together and they made a foam that exploded in his face. After I cleaned him off I asked him what he was thinking and he looked me dead in the face and said "Nothing. I was thinking absolutely nothing except for how much I really want some cake."" Amina giggled.

Tony ended up telling her 5 more stories under the stars after seeing she got her dad's puppy dog eyes. The avengers woke up soon after and sat around them with their blankets wrapped around them. They ended up laying on their blankets around the lawn and drawing constellations. MJ and Pepper woke at the crack of dawn and searched the whole house before checking outside to see the avengers layed across the lawn sleeping with Amina snuggled up to Tony in the center of them all. They smiled and went back inside deciding to let them sleep. 

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